... ation-504/
I have a GTX 670 and it runs great on AutoCAD 2013 64-bit, except for high resolution renderings.
Samozrejme Quadro je mostly recommended, ale tak chce to aj na hryNow, I have a Radeon 7850 card and a GTX 660 OC. the GTX 600 is rated higher than the Radeon 7850 but actually the Radeon performs slightly better in my computer. BUT when I mod Quadro drivers and install them with the GTX 660 OC card it speeds up to some degree. Comparing the Quadro specs to the Geforce specs it is clear that the GPU's are the same, i.e. each Geforce card seem to have a Quadro counterpart, but the Device IDs are different and of course the Quadros have ECC memories (at least some of them) I think this also goes for the AMD cards i.e. that Radeon cards also have a Firepro counterpart or twin. I have not tried modding a Firepro driver for my Radeon yet.