Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Všetko o grafických kartách, ich problémy, ovládače ...
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

Zlate "rebrandy" :) ... /microsoft ... s.85).aspx
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That's a very naive look at how things are and is completely wrong the issue is the hardware.
If you are looking at the DX12 specs and most importantly the "performance" bands you'll see just how poorly NVIDIA's hardware is going to play out in the long run.

Even Maxwell 2 with it's 32 process que's supports only a single graphics que the remaining 31 can be used for compute operations only, there are also huge hardware limitations on direct memory access which limits copy operations which are quite important for concurrency when running DX12 shaders.
You might be able to get away with it by having a separate branch of your code and coding your code to CUDA specs but that's not going to happen.

The GCN architecture as far as gen 1 is much much more compatible with true high concurrency which is critical for DX12, it supports 64 GP ques with 2 DMA engines since the 7000 series.

It's been known for almost a year that NVIDIA GPU's are going perform quite badly in DX12 asynchronous operations not because their drivers were "optimized" for DX11 but because the hardware isn't designed for concurrency.

NVIDIA has been pulling allot of shady stuff including intentionally limiting desktop GPU's in order to promote their Tesla based cards like disabling passthrough to prevent the cards from being run under a hypervisor or limiting concurrency in the past 2-3 years because of their place on the throne, this might be the shakeup the need.

So don't expect great results form DX12 on NVIDIA, the only 2 cards which might benefit from DX12 are the Titan X (confirmed 2 DMA engines) and the 980ti (suspected)
, Maxwell Gen 1 will no see any performance boost, and anything below a 780ti would most likely see a performance decrease due to overhead.

The jury is still out on Pascal since Nvidia still has not released it's spec's yet at least not under their "rubber stamp" NDA system so no instruction set architecture documents for us peasants yet if ever.
Pretty much NVIDIA put it self into this situation they've been trying to push CUDA down everyone's throat, doing some really annoying stuff with their desktop GPU's to prevent them from being used as compute cards and now they are paying for it.

NVIDIA can still get by with brute force but once 4 year old mid range cards will start going neck to neck with it's heavy weight well Titans (pun intended) they'll have to align them selves with the spec.

I would say NVIDIA's only saving grace atm is that the high end AMD cards are memory and or ROP limited this means that DX12 or not you won't get true 4K performance from them at least not better performance that you would get with the ROP and bruteforce advantage of the current high end NVIDIA line-up.

NVIDIA's mid range line up is the one that's going to suffer the most the GTX 970 is completely broken in DX12 and it's probably their best selling card, while AMD's rehashed silicon from the past 4 years is going to see huge improvements.

And NVIDIA is in quite a tricky spot currently, if they have a DX12 compatible ISA out there unless they intentionally ROP limit it (or any other limit) the DX12-60 card they'll put out is most likely be capable of bringing the Titan X to it's knees, and that's something that might lose them more costumers in the long run...
So this is incredibly intriguing. I just spoke to an Nvidia rep regarding the aforementioned Asynchronous Computing. They confirmed with me that the 980TI DOES support Asynchronous Computing. Seems as though between Oxide and Nvidia, someone isn't telling the whole truth!!
No one is lying.

Oxide disabled Async Compute for Nvidia because the performance was horrible on Maxwell cards. They support Async Compute just like they support 4GB of a GTX 970. Nvidia isn't lying, they're telling 1/2 truths.

Oxide spend months optimizing for Nvidia but the point of contention is Nvidia wanted to lower settings more to make Geforce cards look better than AMD ones. If you notice the low quality benchmarks the 980 TI beats a Radeon Fury, if you turn on eye candy then the FuryX beats a 980 TI.

Per Oxide they don't use async compute heavily. This does not bode well since it's minimal usage right now and consoles are getting async compute heavy in newer titles.
Look man I'm not defending Nvidia or attacking you. I'm on your side as a fellow engineer. I'm pointing out Nvidia has been lying for decades. They've cheated on benchmarks, they lower image quality on current cards for higher fps and when they lose they simply pay people to cripple the competition (ie Gameworks). I'm only buying Nvidia cards because I have to support apps written on Nvidia cards. Personally, I'm finding Intel's HD card doing wonders for me in Linux at a good price.
Naposledy upravil/-a Asnod v Ne 11. Okt, 2015, 11:22, upravené celkom 5 krát.
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Dátum registrácie: Pi 13. Jún, 2008, 20:01
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Re: AMD Radeon R9 390/390X (recenzie, informácie...)

Príspevok od používateľa Zoltan Balaton »

nvidia to ma tazke..bud pascal pracne prerobia a tym potvrdia ze ich starsi hw nie je uplne ok,alebo nic prerabat nebudu,urobia len lahky refresh a potom cely svet podplatia :D
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Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa shiro »

V prvom rade nemali vobec co riesit nejake blbosti typu Tier 1, 2 a podobne akoze urovne podpory DX12...a bol by klud.
Potom by to jednoducho bolo tak, ze karta DX12 vie alebo nevie a bodka. Ziadne take, ako je teraz ze jedna karta vie daco lepsie ako druha, lebo jedna ma podporu toho ci tamtoho a druha nie.

Tym padom byt GTX9xx boli skratka DX11 karty a ziadne problemy s async shadermi by neexistovali. U radeonov detto.

Tak im treba blbcom, ked sa nemozu chovat ako ludia a idu sa pototo kvoli $$$...rychlo, rychlo, hrrr, hrrr, lebo peniaze, no poserkajme sa....neznasam tento hlupy manazersky pristup. Ludi, ktori to kravatakov ucia by som postrielal.
Ryzen 7 3700X | SilentiumPC Fera 3 | Asrock X570M Pro4 | Patriot Viper 4 Blackout 16GB DDR4-3600 CL17 | Gainward RTX4060 Ti Pegasus 8GB | Samsung 970evo Plus 250GB NVMe | Corsair MP510 1TB NVMe | Samsung 980 Pro 2TB NVMe | Corsair RM550x | 32" Samsung ViewFinity S60UA | 3x Noctua NF-S12B redux 1200 PWM
Xiaomi Mi 9 Lite 64GB
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

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Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

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Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

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Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Famous »

Celkom zaujimave video, ale vobec sa nV politike necudujem. Ty by si poskytol svoje tazko napisane zdrojaky svojmu konkurentovi? Samozrejme, ze nie, a tazil by si z toho, aby si co najviac udupal konkurenciu. A to presne sa snazi robit aj nV, a ide jej to. Spravanie sa nV teda nie je nelogicke. To ci je ferove alebo je uz druha vec. Ja som len zvedavy na toho pascala. Ci to nebude "packal"...

BTW nie som nVidiot ani fanATIk
CPU: R9-5900X Cooler: Kraken X62 MB: x570 TUF PRO (Wi-Fi) GPU: RTX 3080 Ti Suprim X
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

Tazko napisane zdrojaky? Optimalizacia/neoptimalizacia kodu v ovladaci pre ich Gayworks je vec prva, tak to potom asi nechapes preco potom vobec herne studia poskytuju zdrojaky z celej hry na optimalizaciu, ked im ani jeden z vyrobcov gpu za to nic neda :D neopravnene pouzivanie licencovaneho produktu je vec druha, tj to o com splietas, v tom je jasne ze tie zdrojaky by clovek neposkytol.

Spravanie nieje nelogicke az na to ze to zhorsuje hratelnost aj na Nv kartach pricom tie hry by dokazali bezat bez toho daleko lepsie, aj tak sa vzdy riesi len AMD lebo performance drop je tam vacsi. Su v tom prachy, z toho vysledky v reckach kde notoricky retardovany krypel od ktoreho musi mat kazdy herny titul od AC 3 performance issues je Ubisoft.
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Príspevky: 1490
Dátum registrácie: Ut 14. Sep, 2010, 20:24
Bydlisko: HC

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Famous »

Vyrobcovia hry, to je zas ine. Oni to poskytuju, kvoli tomu aby to bolo hratelne, lebo drzat si zdrojak a vydat nieco co je nehratelne... to neprospeje nikomu.

Ano, zhorsuju hratelnost aby si si priplatil a kupil vykonnejsiu kartu. A samozrejme len ich kartu, lebo zisk. Ale v tomto mas pravdu, ze ak by spolupracovali na urovni, ze poskytnu co najlepsi vykon pre hracov davno by boli ine FPS v hrach nez teraz. Lenze preco by to robili? Maju cas, a natahovat zakaznikov o prachy je vzdy zabava a este k tomu aj vynasa.
CPU: R9-5900X Cooler: Kraken X62 MB: x570 TUF PRO (Wi-Fi) GPU: RTX 3080 Ti Suprim X
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

Aneb ten isty pribeh preco sa Batman stal "nehratelnym" :D prisla Nvidia a zakupila a zabundlovala ku kartam viac kopii hier ako by predali WB normalne, na oplatku dostali crippled game kde amd oproti konkurencii vyrazne suxxuje a tych par ludi co si to normalne zakupilo nech si ponadava, ved mali do konca roku 2015 narok na refund, komu sa nepacilo mohol dostat prachy z5.
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Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

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Používateľov profilový obrázok
Zoltan Balaton
Pokročilý používateľ
Pokročilý používateľ
Príspevky: 13794
Dátum registrácie: Pi 13. Jún, 2008, 20:01
Bydlisko: Banská Bystrica

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Zoltan Balaton »

Co je to ten Overhead u AMD ?
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

To ze pri AMD ti generuje drawcalls a stara sa o rendering karty len 1 jadro, prve a na zvysku bezi herny kod a pri Nv su vyuzivane pri DX11 viacere thready, namerany benefit v 3dm bol okolo 20% pokial si dobre pamatam. AMD karta skor narazi na bottleneck, to neznamena ze je narocnejsia na vykon cpu. Ak by bola tak frame scaling pri oc cpu je pri oboch platformach % rozdielny.

Kto nepozna Hladisa tak je to tam miestny saso fora ktory aj po 100 stranach mavani s dokazmi o memory blackhole sa snazil presvedcit ludi o opaku alebo prave to ze je amd narocnejsie na vykon cpu vyvodzoval z Crysis 3 welcome to the jungle, kde sa herny kod resp. fyzika travy tlaci na render thread kde je jasne ze cpu s vyssim hrubym celkovym vykonom i7 a xenon bude pred nejakou nataktovanou i5 a porovnaval neporovnatelne, kde by mala pri amd vyssie fps aj 3ghz intel 8 core cpu ako vysokonataktovana i5.
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Príspevky: 365
Dátum registrácie: Ut 02. Apr, 2013, 08:06
Bydlisko: Twin Peaks

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa BOB! »

Tema je nvidia tak preco do toho miesaju amd ? Moderator na tom fore je asi fanusik zelenych. :D
/ Amiga 1200 / Nvidia Shield K1 / PlayStation 4 Slim / PC: Intel + Nvidia /
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: Direct3D 12 technologie (Async Compute, nV vs AMD, etc)

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

Tam sa toho zelena az az :D warny za posty k teme a za tazky OT a flame o amd sa davaju vyznamenania :D
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