C&C3: Tiberium Wars / C&C3: Kane´s Wrath

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Príspevky: 252
Dátum registrácie: So 28. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Piešťany

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa prepelica »

vsak tie mapy co su tam uplne stacia..das si mapu pre 8 hracov a mozes tazit z kazdeho loziska
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Príspevky: 13677
Dátum registrácie: Ne 23. Júl, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Galanta

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa Snake »

Mal som skôr na mysli symetrickú 1on1 mapu, viem že v takom Rocktagone je tiberia dosť ;)

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Príspevky: 252
Dátum registrácie: So 28. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Piešťany

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa prepelica »

preco 8v8 mapy su dobre...ked som to hral po lanke kamos si myslel ze mam hlavnu zakladnu tam kde som mal len rafinerky pri tiberiu...tam som urobil nepreniknutelnu obranu a pekne som chystal ofenzivu na opacnom konci mapy :D...az ked som ho znicil videl ze som obsadil uplne vsetky loziska a on mi utocil na uplne bezviznamny ciel :D...to sa mi lubi na 8v8 mapach
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Príspevky: 13677
Dátum registrácie: Ne 23. Júl, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Galanta

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa Snake »

tak, nepochybne sú dobré, ak hrá 6+ hráčov, ty hráš ako môj kamarát, najrpv sa rozložiť po celej mapke, vyťažiť pomaly čo sa dá, spraviť armádu takú že na mapke je len farebný flak (kocka, krúžok, domysli si...), mňa to tak bohužial nebaví, skôr rád hrám takticky (kde sa aj používa rozum), preto som začal aplikovať Talon´s Mod, keďže ten vyrovnáva nechutnú prevahu Scrinov, a vracia NODom to v čom boli dominantní - technológia. Mimo iného samozrejme :)

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Príspevky: 252
Dátum registrácie: So 28. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Piešťany

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa prepelica »

xces povedat ze obsadit co najvias lozisiek nieje takticke?...drtieval som starcraft a tam bolo prvorade obsadit co najviac lozisiek...a prvorady tam bol aj rychli utok...to je moja taktika...loziska, aspon 4 kasarne a podpichnut supera...niektory slaby hraci sa zameriavaju najprv na vybudovanie hi-tech zbrani...jak ked som hral proti kamosovy po nete....staval budovy neviem jake a nemal ziadnu obranu tak som ho porazil s obycajnou pechotou..takuto chybu robi vela hracov aj takych co si myslia ze to hraju dobre
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Príspevky: 13677
Dátum registrácie: Ne 23. Júl, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Galanta

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa Snake »

A čo je na tom taktické? Že sa rozložíš jak sopel po pólke mapy? Ano to hej, samozrejme base expansion nezatracujem, ale v norme. Chceš vedieť čo bolo taktické? Keď si v zlatom staručkom Tiberian Sune (ktorý hrávame dodnes), musel odstaviť obranu artilériami z diaľky, potom preniknúť buď pomocou Devil´s Tongue (v prípade že protivník nemal Pavement), alebo to zobrať obkľukou cež banshee, zničiť barracks a war factory, nabehnúť tam s pechotou, postrielať čo mal, a zničiť budovy. Proste vedel si, že keď neodstavíš artilérie máš prúser, taktiež, rakety, nie jak tu, šlahneš Nuclear Missile a máš polovicu základne v prdeli, tam si si pekne mohol spraviť stenu, ktorá rakety zastavila, a mohol si si s raketami tancovať odzemok, lebo do základne neprešli, na Nodov si musel ísť tiež takticky.

Rozložiť si ten malý žltý tank čo zisťoval prítomnosť stealthu a podzemných jednotiek (tuším sa to volalo Mobile sensor array), to si proste musel mať, bez toho si bol nahratý, keď si šiel útočiť, tiež si musel najprv "sundať" obelisky, lebo by ti tvoju armádu spásy uškvarili, aj tam sa dalo rushovať, to je pravda, ale musel si používať rozum, inak by si tam nevyhral. Nehovorím že TW je zle vyvážená, ale sú tam medzery, obrovské, najväčšia medzera sú Scrini, za tích hráva už pomaly každý druhý, prečo? Spraví si toto a je za vodou:
O čom je to hra potom? Spravíš si 20 devastatorov a hijóóó na nich, to potom núti aj druhého hráča postupovať presne tak isto, spraviť 30 avatarov/purifierov, jedného Redeemera poprípade a ideš, hra na pikaču. Talon´s Mod toto rieši, adresuje veľa iných vecí:
Mod Objectives

● Encourage tactical gameplay

○ We increased the hit points of all structures, but especially defenses
○ We increased the damage inflicted by, and rate of fire of defenses.
○ We introduced upgradeable defenses
○ Tanks are now more role specific by removing their ability to target air units.
○ We brought more of a rock-paper-scissors balance to the game: you need artillery units to take out defenses, tanks to take out artillery units, air units to take out the tanks, and AA units to take out air units.
○ We removed a lot of stealth detection in the game and re-assigned stealth detection to more suitable units.

● Make the factions more diverse and remove crossover abilities that exist in the standard game.

○ Nod are now the only faction who use mines or stealth.
○ Nod stealth abilities are more effective (cloaked disruption towers, less stealth detection throughout)
○ GDI are now the only faction who use EMP
○ GDI are better at repairing now with engineer’s repair drones, mammoth repair drones and more effective battlebases.
○ Scrin can now effectively repair and heal in tiberium.
○ Scrin have more portal abilities and overall are a quicker.

● Add new elements to the game that make it even more fun, without unbalancing it.
○ We have made special powers free. You paid for and built the buildings that unlocked special powers and then waited for the abilities to charge up so why do you have to then pay again? Not any longer!
○ Offensive powers like orca strikes and vapor bombs do considerably more damage. Now they can actually destroy normal buildings, and when synchronised with an ally’s attack can destroy stronger structures such as superweapons and conyards.
○ Many special weapons can now fire blind. So now you can fire a superweapon anywhere and take that risk of whether the units and buildings you expect to be there are still there.
○ The game now starts with a black shroud so you can’t pinpoint a location and send units to a tiberium field for example. Instead you need to explore and scout.

Added in 1.1;
○ Tiberium Spikes come with a repair drone
○ Surveyors. Emissaries and Explorers are now made in their faction’s vehicle factory.
○ Garrisoned units received rate of fire increases to make garrison clearing a little more challenging.
○ Units gain veterency at a much quicker rate

Faction Close Ups;

○ Strengths;
■ They are without doubt the strongest ground force.
■ They are good at repairing with rigs & engineers
■ They can garrison their own buildings
○ Weaknesses:
■ They are the slowest faction so they can get caught out of position.
■ Weakest in the air due to their limitations in mass producing air units.
○ Features;
■ Have no mines but instead rely on EMP spikes to disable vehicles.
■ Mammoths have repair drones
■ GDI are the only faction that can garrison their own buildings.
■ Orcas have chainguns and reload missiles in flight without the need to return to the airfield except for repairs.
■ Firehawks carry both AA missiles and AG missiles. The AA missiles auto-reload but the AG missiles are only reloadable at the airfield.
■ Battlebases are much stronger now and receive the railgun upgrade when it's researched.
■ GDI can build a HAZMAT Disposal Facility. It provides money like a tiberium spike and acts as a silo.
■ GDI Harvesters can now call for an airlift (this requires you to call the Ox transport as normal, then you have to tell the harvester to get in it)
■ Rigs can call for an airlift
■ Airlifts are free.
■ APC's now deploy an EMP spike instead of mines.
■ Engineers can repair vehicles and structures

Added in 1.1;
■ Orca chaingun bullets now showing
■ Commando much tougher
■ Zone trooper armor more effective now
■ Units now upgrade on a per unit basis using their unit menu.
■ Mammoths and Juggernauts now 25% slower
■ HAZMAT Disposal Facility now provides more income.
■ Grenadiers are less resistant to machine gun fire
■ Sonic Emitters are now more effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods and much more effective against tier 1 and tier 2 units.
■ Guardian Cannons are less effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods
■ Watchtowers are more effective against infantry but less effective against ground vehicles.
■ Juggernauts no longer shoot through cliffs / mountains – they require line of sight to fire
■ Reinforcements (GDI Airbourne, Sniper drop, Bloodhounds) reticules are now smaller

● Nod
○ Strengths:
■ Very strong defensively with mines and stealth.
■ Lots of suicide attack options can cripple an enemy ahead of a main attack.
■ With more stealthed units nod are more capable of surprising an enemy.
○ Weaknesses:
■ They have huge power requirements to maintain stealth.
■ They have limited repair abilities once they leave their bases.
○ Features;
■ Stealth is only available to NoD (GDI snipers use camouflage which isn't stealth)
■ Stealth tanks can drop mines
■ Various buildings and defenses can deploy mines around their perimeters.
■ Beam cannons are stealthed
■ Engineers are stealthed when not moving.
■ Nod bikes and scorpion tanks can self destruct.
■ Disruption towers are stealthed but require a lot more power.
■ Avatars can upgrade without having to commandeer.
■ Scorpion dozer blades can allow scorpions to damage / crush smaller vehicles.
■ Nod can build a decoy temple of nod
■ Tiberium seed provides more seed (plus there's no cost to use it).
■ New unit: Liquid Tiberium Truck.
■ Confessors now use sniper rifles. These have 75% of the ran-ge and damage of the GDI snipers.

Added in 1.1;
■ Vapor Bomb is now stealthed
■ Commando much tougher
■ Nod gained the repair drone special power
■ Beam Cannons can now fire much greater distances when they combine with venoms and use the reflector ability
■ Tiberium bomb trucks are now quicker, tougher and do more damage (especially against defensive structures), and are capped.
■ The Catalyst missile reveals fog when it’s fired
■ Black hand are less resistant to machine gun fire
■ Units now upgrade to lasers on a per unit basis using their unit menu.
■ Changed defense turrets back to 3 per hub
■ Obelisks are now more effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods and much more effective against tier 1 and tier 2 units.
■ Laser Turrets are less effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods
■ Shredder Turrets are more effective against infantry but less effective against ground vehicles
■ New advanced power structure

● Scrin
○ Strengths;
■ They have the most powerful air units in game.
■ They can repair in tiberium.
■ Portal technology allows them to move around the map quicker than any other faction, and the actual speed on the ground makes them the quickest faction which helps them react to situations and also evade if necessary.
■ They have less power requirements than other factions due to their advanced organic structures.
■ They have better tiberium storage capabilities than other factions
■ Their buildings slowly self repair
○ Weaknesses;
■ Their ground units are weaker one to one than other factions overall.
■ They are probably the weakest when it comes to detecting stealth.

○ Features;
■ All ground units heal/repair in tiberium
■ Scrin aren't good at detecting stealth. Stealth detection is removed from PAC's.
■ PAC's and Devastators are matched in speed.
■ New defense: Mind control crystal.
■ Scrin buildings are the only ones that auto repair due to their organic nature, but these structures are weaker overall than other factions.
■ Tripods can now charge their weapons with tiberium infusion.
■ Conyards (drone ships) by default have an ion storm.
■ New special power: Ion storm
■ Buzzers can couple with harvesters
■ Seeker and devourer tanks receive shield upgrade as well.
■ Storm columns no longer target air units
■ Disintegrators explode when run over

Added in 1.1;
■ The Mothership;
● Has a shield upgrade option
● Has an orbit jump ability
● Has a super-scan ability
● Spots for devastators so that they can bombard from long range
● Has repair drones
● No longer has a weapon
● Can detect stealth
● Has much more hitpoints
■ PAC’s drones no longer target anything but air units, but their damage is increased
■ Mastermind has a weapon and is tougher.
■ Growth Accelerators are more effective but more expensive.
■ Ground units are now weaker, faster and heal quicker in tiberium
■ Units now upgrade with shields etc. on a per unit basis using their unit menu.
■ Storm Columns are now more effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods and much more effective against tier 1 and tier 2 units.
■ Photon Cannons are less effective against Mammoths, Avatars and Tripods
■ Buzzer hives are more effective against infantry but less effective against ground vehicles

Vyrovnáva gameplay, a hlavne ochudobňuje debilnú prevahu Scrinov. Takže nie je takticky ako "takticky"

Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 252
Dátum registrácie: So 28. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Piešťany

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa prepelica »

to jedokaz ze TW sa takticky hrat neda :D...a hento co si popisal to berem..sak to patri k tomu...ale u mna je prvorade zabespecit si vsetko co najrychlejsie a to bez surovin nejde...v TW chyba vela veci...napriklad ked postavis 20 mamuttankov a vylepsis ich vsetkym moznym tak su neznicitelne pomoze ti len superzbran alebo presila...preto sa ani neda hovorit o tom ze TW je nejak super extra takticka hra...v takom Starcrafte nemas sancu postavit neznicitelnu armadu....kazda rasa ma slabinu aj keby ma skombinovane vsetky jednotky do kopy
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Dátum registrácie: St 23. Feb, 2005, 20:00
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Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa Jofo »

Snake - vidim, ze si moj clovek. Mna osobne CaC3 ani RA3 nejako nechytilo, nepresiel som ani jedno, ani druhe. Kedze hravas casto TSun, tak si nainstaluj Yuris Revenge, a nahod C&C Mashup mod. Pridava do Yuris Revenge GDI a NOD, a poviem ti, ze porazit napr. za USSR dobre zabedneneho NODa s dvoma tuctami artyn v zakladni a navyse po zemi da celkom zabrat. Typek tam navyse pridal aj mapy z TS a TS:FS.
Vy sa tu smejete a vonku zúri socializmus!
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Príspevky: 13677
Dátum registrácie: Ne 23. Júl, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Galanta

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa Snake »

prepelica napísal:to jedokaz ze TW sa takticky hrat neda :D...
Ale dá, len treba hrať s ľuďmi, čo radi hrávajú RTS, a nepraktizujú rusherské taktiky ;)
nManJofo napísal:...
Oprášim TFD :-)

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Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa shiro »

A skusali ste niekto Supreme Commander? Co do taktiky je to asi najlepsie, nakolko tam do mna nik neonanuje hned po 5 minutach, ked si este stavam zakladnu. Skorej sa mi paci ked mam ja + protivnik secko postavene, nieco na utok, obranu atd. zabezpeceny prisun surovin. To sa potom mozno sustredit len na taktiku samotnu. Ovsem v datadisku Forged alliance to uz pomenili a superi dobiedzaju uz zase dost skoro...
Ryzen 7 3700X | SilentiumPC Fera 3 | Asrock X570M Pro4 | Patriot Viper 4 Blackout 16GB DDR4-3600 CL17 | Gainward RTX4060 Ti Pegasus 8GB | Samsung 970evo Plus 250GB NVMe | Corsair MP510 1TB NVMe | Samsung 980 Pro 2TB NVMe | Corsair RM550x | 32" Samsung ViewFinity S60UA | 3x Noctua NF-S12B redux 1200 PWM
Xiaomi Mi 9 Lite 64GB
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 252
Dátum registrácie: So 28. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Piešťany

Re: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

Príspevok od používateľa prepelica »

to je nuda...treba byt uplne vystresovany...enormne rychlo klikat a pohybovat mysou :D jednoducho rychlost musi rozhodovat...nestaci len vedet ktore jednotky na koho platia....to je len postranne
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 13677
Dátum registrácie: Ne 23. Júl, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Galanta

Re: C&C3: Tiberium Wars / C&C3: Kane´s Wrath

Príspevok od používateľa Snake »

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Re: C&C3: Tiberium Wars / C&C3: Kane´s Wrath

Príspevok od používateľa Kimif123 »

Hráva to ešte niekto? Prípadne ostatné C&C tituly? (Generals, RedAlert2/Yuri, LOTR BFME?)
CPU: i5 12400f Cooler: NOCTUA NH-U12A Chromax Black MB: ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING D4 RAM: G.SKILL 32GB KIT DDR4 3600 MHz CL16 Trident Z RGB GPU: ASUS TUF GeForce RTX 3060 Ti O8G SSD: Samsung 980 PRO 1TB + Kingston KC3000 NVMe 1TB + Crucial MX500 2TB SSD PSU: Corsair RM750x white CASE: Fractal Design Define 7 Compact White TG Mouse: Logitech G403 Prodigy HS: HyperX Cloud I + Microlab FC50 Monitor: Dell S2721DGFA OS: Win 10 64bit

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