kebyze su 512MB cela kapacita bude uplne stacit na swap a stalo by to drobaky
nasou som toto
cize na mac to ide
teraz problem, ako to nanutit do win, aby USB kluc vzal ako normalny disk, alebo nejaky sw na vytvorenie raid okrem toho windowsackeho?
dalsia vec, limit USB2.0 480Mbps..plati pre celu zbernicu? Bo potom to je v haji a kaslem na to
taze pod win sa nic nekona... prip nejaky iny napad ako dostat okrem raidu 0+1 a sataII diskov rychlosti nad 150MB/s a za male $? ... Windows_XP
moze niekto vyskusat ci to funguje?:)t is possible to convert a USB disk to a dynamic disk ( at least in 2003 server ) by using the comand line diskpart command.
Using a command line 1. Open Command prompt. 2. Type: diskpart 3. At the DISKPART prompt, type: list disk
Make note of the disk number of the disk you want to convert to dynamic.
4. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select disk n 5. At the DISKPART prompt, type: convert dynamic
to je klasicky usb disk nikto nic?