...podotykam, ze nemam admin prava (jedna sa o sietovy disk v praci), preto to asi bude najlepsie osetrit to priamo v konkretnom subore.
...na nete som nasiel makro, ktore pri otvoreni suboru vypyta od uzivatela meno a priezvisko a udaje vlozi do buniek a1, b1:
Kód: Vybrať všetko
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim result As String
Dim lName As String
Dim fName As String
Dim sp As Integer
If Not IsEmpty(Range("A1").Value) Then Exit Sub
With Application
result = .Trim(.InputBox( _
"Enter your first and last name:", Type:=2))
Debug.Print result
If UCase(result) = "FALSE" Then Me.Close
sp = InStr(result, " ")
Loop Until sp > 0
fName = Left(result, sp - 1)
lName = Mid(result, sp + 1)
Range("A1").Value = fName
Range("B1").Value = lName
End With
End Sub
vie mi s tym niekto poradit? prip. ma nejaky iny napad, ako by sa to este dalo realizovat?