Total System Memory pri CrossFire/SLI

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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Total System Memory pri CrossFire/SLI

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

Kedze su uz na trhu graficke karty s 1GB pamete, ked sa daju do CrossFire alebo SLI, vraj sa pouziva ich zmiesana pamet.

Kedze ale Windows x86 ma limit celkovej pamete 4GB pre celkovu pouzitelnu nieco cez 3GB.

Ale pri pouziti tychto grafickych znamena to ze pri dvoch 2GB klesne pouzitelna pamet pod 2GB?

A dokonca pri pouziti 4x1GB dokonca ziadnu?

Dakujem za odpoved.
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Dátum registrácie: Po 09. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Rudina (27)

Príspevok od používateľa Gudas »

Pleties si dojmy s pojmami.
Graficka pamat nema nic spolocne so systemovou pamatou. (obrazne)
Alokovana celkova RAM sa zmensuje kvoli zariadeniam - cize ak sa "odkroji" kusok pre graficky port, je jedno ci grafika ma 64MB VRAM alebo 1GB VRAM.
Naposledy upravil/-a Gudas v Pi 25. Jan, 2008, 23:49, upravené celkom 1 krát.
Spoiler: ukázať
Desktop| ASRock Z68 Pro3-M | Core i3 3220 @ 3,4GHz + Phanteks PH-TC14PE (pasívne) | 12GiB DDR3 1333MHz | MSI GTX760 Gaming | SuperFlower Golden King 550W 80+ Platinum | Crucial m4 256GB + WD 1TB Red 2,5" 5400rpm @ Scythe Quiet Drive| Fractal Design Define Mini + Nexus D12SL-12 + Noiseblocker PK-1 + Scythe Gentle Typhoon | LG IPS235 + LG L225WT | Creative Inspire T2900 + Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro + Creative X-Fi HD | Logitech MX1100 + QcK Steel mini
Laptop| Acer Aspire One 753 | Celeron U3400 (1,06GHz) | 2x2GiB DDR3 | A-DATA S599 128GB IRC kanál
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Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Sabinov@Prešov

Príspevok od používateľa SonnySk »

pleties pleties az som dopleteni co si vlastne chcel :P
ale ked som sparvne pochopil
tak pleties Vram grafik so systemovou pametov
systemova pamet moze byt ako si pisal v 32bit 4GB
ale pamet grafik by tak nemala byt obmedzena.... ale este som nevidel grafiku s 4Gb ram :o
a pri SLI/CROSSFIRE sa velkosti pamete ram nespocitavaju :wink:
PC:CPU:AMD Althon X2 4400+ (2600Mhz)RAM:2Gb DDR2 800mhzGPU: ATI Radeon HD3850 256Mb HDD: Maxtor 200Gb 7200ot PSU 400W KME LCD19" LG
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

su uz dosky do ktorych sa daju dat 4 graficke karty a kedzesu uz karty s 1GB tak 4 * 1GB =4GB, obrazne povedane

a to je ta otazka k tomu alokovaniu, pretoze iba take veci som nasiel ze sa okrem casti pre ten graficky port naalokuuje aj samotna pamet grafiky

je samozrejme mozne ze som to zle precital a nevsimol som si ze sa jedna o notebooky, tam je to pochopitelne.

ale vychadzal som hlane z:

you installed total 4GB memory, the system will detect less than 4GB of total memory because of address space allocation for other critical functions, such as:

- System BIOS (including motherboard, add-on cards, etc..)
- Motherboards resources
- Memory mapped I/O
- configuration for AGP/PCI-Ex/PCI
- Other memory allocations for PCI devices

Different onboard devices and different add-on cards (devices) will result of different total memory size.
e.g. more PCI cards installed will require more memory resources, resulting of less memory free for other uses.

On a SLI system, since PCI-Ex graphic cards will occupy around 256MB, another 256MB will be occupied after you install a 2nd PCI-Ex graphic card. Hence, 2.75GB memory left only if two SLI cards installed on A8N-SLI Premium while 3.0GB memory left with one graphic card without other add-on devices.

This limitation applies to most chipsets & Windows XP 32-bit version operating system.

If you install Windows XP 32-bit version operating system, we recommend that you install less than 3GB of total memory. If more than 3GB memory is required for your system, then below two conditions must be met:
1. The memory controller which supports memory swap functionality is used. The latest chipsets like Intel 975X, 955X, Nvidia NF4 SLI Intel Edition, Nvidia NF4 SLI X16, and AMD K8 CPU architecture can support the memory swap function.
2. Windows XP Pro X64 Ed. (64-bit) or other OS which can address more than 4GB memory.

You can check below URLs for reference: ... 016594.htm

Naposledy upravil/-a Tempus v So 26. Jan, 2008, 00:36, upravené celkom 1 krát.
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Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Júl, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Sabinov@Prešov

Príspevok od používateľa SonnySk »

Tempus napísal:su uz dosky do ktorych sa daju dat 4 graficke karty a kedzesu uz karty s 1GB tak 4 * 1GB =4GB, obrazne povedane
pri SLI/CROSSFIRE je 4*1GB = 1GB velkost pamete sa nespocitava
PC:CPU:AMD Althon X2 4400+ (2600Mhz)RAM:2Gb DDR2 800mhzGPU: ATI Radeon HD3850 256Mb HDD: Maxtor 200Gb 7200ot PSU 400W KME LCD19" LG
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

takze je rozhodujuca velkost najmensieho?

niekde som cital ze je to tak, inde ze je to sucet, takze preto.
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Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

v SLI/CF by mali mat vsetky graficke karty rovnake kapacity VRAM
s pozdravom, crux.
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Príspevky: 6514
Dátum registrácie: Po 09. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Rudina (27)

Príspevok od používateľa Gudas »

Tempus napísal:
On a SLI system, since PCI-Ex graphic cards will occupy around 256MB, another 256MB will be occupied after you install a 2nd PCI-Ex graphic card. Hence, 2.75GB memory left only if two SLI cards installed on A8N-SLI Premium while 3.0GB memory left with one graphic card without other add-on devices.

Tato hodnota (256MB) je myslena pre systemovu RAM, niekde nieje spominana zavislost od VRAM.
Takze ako som povedal, je jedno aku PCIe kartu osadis, zo systemovej sa "ukroji" rovnako.
Spoiler: ukázať
Desktop| ASRock Z68 Pro3-M | Core i3 3220 @ 3,4GHz + Phanteks PH-TC14PE (pasívne) | 12GiB DDR3 1333MHz | MSI GTX760 Gaming | SuperFlower Golden King 550W 80+ Platinum | Crucial m4 256GB + WD 1TB Red 2,5" 5400rpm @ Scythe Quiet Drive| Fractal Design Define Mini + Nexus D12SL-12 + Noiseblocker PK-1 + Scythe Gentle Typhoon | LG IPS235 + LG L225WT | Creative Inspire T2900 + Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro + Creative X-Fi HD | Logitech MX1100 + QcK Steel mini
Laptop| Acer Aspire One 753 | Celeron U3400 (1,06GHz) | 2x2GiB DDR3 | A-DATA S599 128GB IRC kanál
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

takze nikto tu nesuhlasi s

Hex addresses A0000 to BFFFF, for instance, are still assigned to the video card (a GeForce 7800 GT, in this case). That's addresses 655360 to 786431 in decimal, 640 kilobytes to 768k. This is the old 128 kilobyte reservation for the monochrome, CGA and EGA graphics buffers, still there in case you find your old Leisure Suit Larry disk and want to see if it works.

In the above picture, though, you'll see a much more considerable reservation from C0000000 to CFFFFFFF, that's also assigned to my video card. That's 268,435,456 bytes, equal to the 256 megabytes of memory on the card, and it's the chunk of memory addresses that system devices use when they want to access the card's memory.

If I had a video card with 512Mb or 768Mb of memory on it, it'd take up even more space in the 3Gb-to-4Gb memory map.

And if I were still using an AGP graphics card, there'd be another block of memory reserved for the AGP aperture, used when devices on other buses in the computer want to talk to a graphics card on the AGP bus. I've got a PCIe graphics card, though, which sits on the same bus as all of the other stuff and so doesn't need an aperture.

(If you've got a computer with one of those cheap graphics adapters that uses system memory instead of having RAM of its own, it will of course eat some of your RAM no matter how much you've got installed.)

Power users with a hankerin' for dual graphics cards may be experiencing something of a sinking feeling, at this juncture. Yes, the 256Mb reserved for my little old graphics card means exactly what you think it means: Those two 768Mb graphics cards you can totally justify buying will eat one point five gigabytes of your 32-bit memory map all by themselves, cutting you down to a 2.5Gb ceiling before you even take the other reservations into account.

This also explains why 1Gb graphics cards haven't hit the consumer market yet. Nobody yet needs anything like that much memory on one card for any desktop computer purpose, but some people would still be very happy to pay for such a card just for the pose value. It'd eat the whole of the fourth gigabyte of their system memory, though. And then they'd probably demand their money back.

(This fact has apparently not stopped certain unscrupulous companies, coughDellcough, from allowing people to buy a computer with WinXP, 4Gb of RAM, and a pair of Nvidia's oddball 1Gb GeForce 7950 GX2 cards. Result: 56.25% of the installed memory absent without leave. You might as well have only bought 2Gb.)

ide o to ze na trhu su uz grafiky s 1GB.

nahodne zo slovenska:
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Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

nechce sa mi citat tie blbosti nejakej 0815 trash tabloid stranky

a HD 3870X2 ma 2x512MB VRAM, 512MB pre kazde jadra ...
teda 1GB VRAM ! = 1GB VRAM single karty
s pozdravom, crux.
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

Tak teda polozim tu sprostu otazku priamo:

2GB RAM + 2x EAH3870X2 HTDI 1GB PCX + Win Vista x86 =
kolko RAM bude dostupnych ?
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Príspevky: 3352
Dátum registrácie: So 25. Mar, 2006, 02:00

Príspevok od používateľa beardie »

+- 1,5 giga?
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

tohoto som sa obaval
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Príspevky: 3352
Dátum registrácie: So 25. Mar, 2006, 02:00

Príspevok od používateľa beardie »

nikto ti nebrani nahodit vistu x64
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 27. Jan, 2008, 14:00

Príspevok od používateľa Tempus »

mam na notebooku a viem urcite ze mam minimalne 4 zariadenia ktore mi nefunguju a to nehovorim o X programoch

Návrat na "Grafické karty"