No pretože to plánujem streliť niekomu kto bude mať záujem o ten pc ako komplet, nechce sa mi to po jednom kuse všetko baliť a posielať poštou.
A ďakujem ti faugusztin za pomoc
Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
- Shatterhand
- Pokročilý používateľ
- Príspevky: 3076
- Dátum registrácie: Št 26. Mar, 2009, 16:45
- Bydlisko: Bratislava
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
Sorry za OT, ale myslim ze o PC so zdrojom eurocase zaujem nebude
O nejake jednotlive veci mozno, ale ten zdroj ti nikdo na tomto fore asi nekupi.
O nejake jednotlive veci mozno, ale ten zdroj ti nikdo na tomto fore asi nekupi.
"Mind always fails first". "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crises." "Tvrdiť, že vám nezáleží na práve na súkromie, lebo nemáte čo skrývať to isté...ako keď poviete, že vám nezáleží na slobode prejavu, lebo nemáte čo povedať."
Spoiler: ukázať
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
Preto to na tomto fóre, a ani nijakom inom kde sú odborníci nebudem predávať, to je jasná vec (:
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
Ešte by som sa rád opýtal či môže robiť problém ak som v prídavnom napájaní grafiky odpojil jeden male molex kábel (teda kartu zásobuje šťavou už len jeden, a nie dva)?
- Moderátor
- Príspevky: 15054
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 26. Feb, 2008, 14:00
- Bydlisko: Bratislava/Štúrovo
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
No, v tom pripade sa to cele taha cez ten jeden molex, co moze byt v hranicnom pripade privela na tie kabliky a mozu sa prehrievat.
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
Tak som vymenil zdroj (teraz tam je Seasonic 400W), a stále (len pri prvom zapnutí pc) sa stane nasledovné : nabehne win, pár sekúnd všetko v poriadku a následne lup, čierna obrazovka. Chvíľu to tak ostane a potom sa pc reštartne ... tipujem že zdrojom to už nebude :-/
Re: Zaseknutie a reštartovanie PC
Mohol by mi niekto prosím vás preložiť toto? Angličtinou vládnem celkom obstojne ale keďže o tomto probléme viem veľké prd tak nechápem podstatu -
" Is that a single rail power supply?
I have looked this card up in our database and it shows that it needs it's own rail from your power supply.
Some video cards require a 4 prong plug on the rear edge of the card to supply power directly from the power supply. If your version of this card has this plug, you will need a stout power supply that has this connectablity (also known as "Dual Rail Power")
Some motherboards also use this 4 prong plug as a secondary rail of direct power not included in the molex connector but most power supplies made within the past few years have this connector.
If you find that your video card does indeed have the additional plug on the rear edge, the symptoms you describe are indeed the faults that NOT having that power, causes.
As I mentioned before, if the card has it's own 4 prong connector, it wouldn't matter if the power supply was rated at 10,000 watts. It must be plugged in to sequence the video correctly during POST, otherwise the system will shut down and MAY pick up on a second boot from the capacitors still being charged.
Yeah just checked, the SeaSonic 400 is a single rail power supply, it supplies only one rail for use by the cpu. It does not include a rail for video cards that require such. So if your model of the GeForce 7600GS requires a rail (they vary from revision to revision and such, even within the same model number) you will need to supply power to this socket because the card requires it's own power to pass POST and to keep stable CAS rates on the memory refresh for video. "
Vopred díky, dúfam že ak mi to niekto vysvetlí po slovensky, že sa ten problém s resetovaním vyrieši
" Is that a single rail power supply?
I have looked this card up in our database and it shows that it needs it's own rail from your power supply.
Some video cards require a 4 prong plug on the rear edge of the card to supply power directly from the power supply. If your version of this card has this plug, you will need a stout power supply that has this connectablity (also known as "Dual Rail Power")
Some motherboards also use this 4 prong plug as a secondary rail of direct power not included in the molex connector but most power supplies made within the past few years have this connector.
If you find that your video card does indeed have the additional plug on the rear edge, the symptoms you describe are indeed the faults that NOT having that power, causes.
As I mentioned before, if the card has it's own 4 prong connector, it wouldn't matter if the power supply was rated at 10,000 watts. It must be plugged in to sequence the video correctly during POST, otherwise the system will shut down and MAY pick up on a second boot from the capacitors still being charged.
Yeah just checked, the SeaSonic 400 is a single rail power supply, it supplies only one rail for use by the cpu. It does not include a rail for video cards that require such. So if your model of the GeForce 7600GS requires a rail (they vary from revision to revision and such, even within the same model number) you will need to supply power to this socket because the card requires it's own power to pass POST and to keep stable CAS rates on the memory refresh for video. "
Vopred díky, dúfam že ak mi to niekto vysvetlí po slovensky, že sa ten problém s resetovaním vyrieši