Opera 10.x

Všetko o programoch, problémoch...
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Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

10.54 build 3383:
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... es-be-gone" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Spoiler: ukázať
Made resolution of out-of-sync situations more reliable (Opera Link)

Fixed DSK-284570 (No domain name shown on collapsed address bar)
Fixed DSK-288469 (User interface becomes unresponsive after middle clicking on a link and selecting text)
Fixed DSK-289395 (Text gone in appearance/toolbars section when using several old skins)
Fixed DSK-292713 (Address bar searches in private mode is not using private mode context)
Crash fixes

Fixed DSK-281885 (Mouse gestures with Right-Click incorrectly triggers context menus)
Fixed DSK-288147 (IME, without hitting Enter, doesn't work on input/textarea with key event listeners)
Fixed DSK-293263 (Crash when getting icons from corrupt Opera Widget apps)
Fixed DSK-295979 (Random Font Crash)
Fixed DSK-296207 (Opera won't start when other apps change Opera menus)
Fixed DSK-296242 (Crash on startup with system crash logger in WidgetInitLibrary)
Fixed DSK-296550 (Crash on exit/closing windows)
Fixed DSK-296554 (Crash when opening or closing a Window)
Fixed DSK-295113 (Opera is stealing window focus by notification popup)

Fixed DSK-279021 (Unable to install Unite applications)
Fixed DSK-293862 (Desktop window got into weird non-drawing state)
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

10.54 build 3386:

Performance, Speed Dial enhancements, and bug fixes
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... -bug-fixes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Spoiler: ukázať
Visual Speed Dial tweaks, new resizing behavior for thumbnails, and new default background
DSK-293435 (Tab visibility state is broken)
DSK-293921 (Session corruption when Opera crashes on loading pages)
DSK-293448 (Mouse gestures dialoag crashes Opera in kiosk/nomenu mode)
DSK-284356 (Speed Dial "Reload Never" is set to "Custom")
DSK-294130 (GDI leak on "Save to Download Folder)
DSK-284465 (Changing Windows style to Classic while Opera using native theme causes crash)
DSK-285021 (Spell Checker is barely functional in Notes and Chat)
DSK-295209 (Bookmarks lost on upgrade when using new format)
DSK-291345 (Progress bar inside address bar changes address bar buttons)
DSK-290048 (Minimize button missing from restored tabs)
DSK-280574 (Unable to create new panel using drag and drop)
DSK-269741 (HTML/MHTML files with non-ascii characters in path don't open when Opera is default browser and already running)
DSK-294977 (Text field not focused in Go to Page dialog)
DSK-290524 (Context menu is missing in the download manager)
DSK-296022 (UI not restored after fullscreen)
DSK-295546 (Mouse wheel doesn't work in popup window)
DSK-295558 (Can't copy Notes)
DSK-295616 (Scrolling dropdown menu is slightly off, and with black remains)
DSK-286088 (Use Large buttons on Combined Back/Forward buttons does not work)
DSK-282880 (Remember Dragonfly window state)

DOM performance improvements
CORE-28158 (Double-clicking target _blank link opens home)
CORE-29642 (Extend the functionality of the tile/stretching of skin elements)
CORE-29493 (designMode crash when applying formatting)
CORE-29463 (Fraud Protection should not save the details of visited site in private mode)
CORE-29398 (Use caret position for keyboard invoked context menu)

DSK-288334 (Replying to specific e-mail freezes Opera)
DSK-287053 (Loading mail is slow with Received open)
DSK-286282 (M2 doesn't set replied to flag when resuming drafts)
DSK-288663 (Compose button doesn't work with no message selected)
DSK-297790 (Crash on fetching mail)
DSK-281787 (Mail database in use dialog displays partially in wrong encoding)
DSK-289408 (Opera delists folders when they can't be selected)
DSK-278543 (Merlin store upgrade happens even if already upgraded)
DSK-297119 (Crash on "Manage Feeds" while loading the mail database)
DSK-284589 (Drag and drop file to Opera fails when no tabs are open fails)
DSK-291785 (Replying to my own replies (Sent) messages shouldn't be sent to myself)

DSK-288210 (Jump List "Recent" not cleared when deleting private data)
DSK-293628 (Mail not transferred correctly from roaming to local profile when upgrading from 9.2x to 10.5x)

DSK-297628 (Opera crashes at norgesvinduet.no)
DSK-296557 (IME crash)
DSK-296261 (Crash on closing tab while composing character)
DSK-262563 (Opera doesn't open all links from other apps when not running)
DSK-297626 (Crash when making selection from drop-down)
DSK-297697 (Access keys don't work)
DSK-297780 (Sheet for login is in the wrong place)
DSK-287310 (Duplicate fonts causes font slanting to break)
DSK-295637 (Japanese IME select box appears at incorrect position)
DSK-297433 (Scrolling is too fast on trackpads)
DSK-297884 (Making a select:option selects more than just that option)
DSK-295113 (Opera is stealing focus from notification popup)
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

10.54 build 3390:
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... -bug-fixes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Spoiler: ukázať
Fixed a crash that could happen whilst using mail
Fixed DSK-292420 (Widgets from untrusted repository are not downloaded)

Fixed DSK-277198 (Tabbing in chat message box crashes Opera)
Fixed DSK-279451 (Some subfolders in bookmarks are not reachable with the mouse)
Fixed DSK-279544 (The menu bar is corrupted if skin is applied)
Fixed DSK-280876 (Using F2 (Go to page), typed text is appended rather than replacing the pre-existing URL)
Fixed DSK-281663 (Cannot keep the bookmarks menu open without holding the mouse)
Fixed DSK-285455 (Opera crashes while trying to block page content (ads))
Fixed DSK-287850 (When clicking show report after a crash, it does not display)
Fixed DSK-289335 (Full screen does not work when menubar is on)
Fixed DSK-289618 (Favicons on some sites are corrupted)
Fixed DSK-291402 (Can't minimize to tray)
Fixed DSK-291822 (Opera doesn't exit if it started another application)
Fixed DSK-291875 (UI doesn't restore properly when going back from fullscreen mode)
Fixed DSK-293412 (Crash when addressbar dropdown covers flash)
Fixed DSK-294120 (Enable dragging of transparent speeddial thumbnails under compositing environments)
Fixed DSK-295617 (Menu item color cannot be set in the skin)
Fixed DSK-295927 (Right mouse button context menu content is not refreshed after subsequent RMB-clicks)
Fixed DSK-296014 (Clicking on a submenu causes the parent to close)
Fixed DSK-296598 (Search from the context menu doesn't work everytime)
Fixed DSK-296996 (Crash when saving an Opera session)
Fixed DSK-297605 (Fix various problems related to popup menus)
pre Windows userov prináša oproti 3388 len malé zmeny...
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 2225
Dátum registrácie: So 09. Apr, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Krankenhaus

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa Scorp »

Omg, to je hrozné tie nové Opery, nejak ma to samé po mesiaci pindania dokopalo k update, ale ono to padá, pamäť to žere...
Ale hlavne som bol zvyknutý, že zoznam tabov je natisnutý úplne hore až ku kraju obrazovky... teraz tam je veľký červený čudlík vľavo, čo tam robí malú medzeru a vždy kliknem niekam do nej namiesto tabu...
Me like Pentium
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

to sa dá nastaviť - "Zobraziť lištu Menu" ;)
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 2225
Dátum registrácie: So 09. Apr, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Krankenhaus

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa Scorp »

crux2005 napísal:to sa dá nastaviť - "Zobraziť lištu Menu" ;)
Nie, ja tam nechcem tú lištu, ten zoznam tabov bol prilepený úplne hore ku kraju obrazovky
Me like Pentium
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 349
Dátum registrácie: Po 04. Aug, 2008, 23:32
Bydlisko: Banska Bystrica

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa rimans »

aby si tam mal klasicke karty musis kliknut stred. tlac. mysi na


"Zobraziť lištu Menu" je tu :arrow:

Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

Opera 10.54 build 3394:
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... gets-oh-my" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Fixed several small issues with "Reload Every" menu

Fixed DSK-295897 (CSS transformed text looks bad when using slight or medium hinting)
Fixed DSK-297450 (Fonts render too narrow when subpixel rendering is applied to truetype fonts containing bitmap)
Fixed DSK-298412 (Opera doesn't understand system name fonts)
Fixed DSK-296741 (Crash when "create search" is chosen from context menu)
Fixed DSK-297613 (Crash when loading page while context menu is open)
Fixed DSK-298884 (Crash on right click over select)
Fixed DSK-295304 (Clicking in a restored tab does not make it the current tab)
Fixed DSK-298761 (Menubar and context menus are unusable with dark themes)
Fixed DSK-296745 (Paste replaces current text in textboxes)
Fixed DSK-298758 (Drag and drop can hang after a drop (normally on a speed dial page))
Fixed DSK-285955 (Zoom popups are misplaced in some non-compositing Window Managers)
Fixed DSK-296580 (fileio widgets display only directories - files are not displayed)

Fixed DSK-296295 (Manually created folder is being removed with widget)
Fixed DSK-298891 (Installation fails for widgets with SVG icon)
Fixed DSK-299343 (Widget files are not removed if widget archive contains folders and there is no space on disk to install it)
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 1558
Dátum registrácie: Pi 02. Jún, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Banská Bystrica

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa Jeremi »

Hura konečne poriadna verzia aj pre linux s predchádzajúcimi som mal problém s výkonom samotného rozhrania.
Lenovo ThinkPad T420s
Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, 128 GB Samsung SSD, nVidia Quadro
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Príspevky: 1558
Dátum registrácie: Pi 02. Jún, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Banská Bystrica

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa Jeremi »

Skusali ste niekto tu WebM verziu? U mna to nejakok tie videa prehrat nechce standardne HTML 5 to prehra ale tie s WebM nie. V Chrome dev builde mi to ide.
Lenovo ThinkPad T420s
Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM, 128 GB Samsung SSD, nVidia Quadro
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 943
Dátum registrácie: St 19. Sep, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Sereď (38)

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa pepo30 »

Ludia začala mi blbuť Opera na notasi. Mam tam Win7 ultimate 32 bit a odrazu prestalo fungovať Flash player a vypisuje že je potrebné ho nainštalovať. Samozrejme, že tam je a skusil som ho znova nainštalovať asi 6x a nič. V žiadnom inom prehladávači mi to neblbne iba v Opere. Tak som ju odinštaloval a nahodil znova najnovšiu verziu, nanovos ksuil nahodiť aj flash player a nepomohlo. Viete mi niekto poradiť čo s tým.
Spoiler: ukázať
1 PC: CPU: AMD E5 3600X cooled by noctua NH-U12S-SE AM4MB: Gigabyte Aorus B450 Pro, VGA: Gainward Geforce GTX 1660Ti 6GB Pegasus, RAM: Patriot Viper Steel Series 16GB KIT DDR4 3600 MHz CL17, HDD: SSD ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro SSD 256 GB + Crucial M500 240GB + 2xWD 1 TB Green SATA2, , PSU: Corsair TX650W, Case: NZXT Apollo, LCD: LG W43 series 23",Windows 10 Home premium X64bit
2 PC: Notebook HP Probook 455, OS: Win10 HP 64bit
3 PC: Notebook Asus, OS: Win 10 HP 64bit
Samung Galaxy Note 10+
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Príspevky: 2025
Dátum registrácie: So 15. Aug, 2009, 22:39
Bydlisko: TO

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa Bird »

je to to iste co moj problem ? http://www.pretaktovanie.sk/phpBB3/view ... 67#p658967" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; je tam aj riesenie pod tym
MacBook Pro 13 (2016) + iPhone 12 mini
PS5 Slim
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 943
Dátum registrácie: St 19. Sep, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Sereď (38)

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa pepo30 »

Takto ja som si to zatial všimol na videách na stránke http://www.sme.sk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ine som neskušal. A zaujímavé je, že mi to blbne len na notasi, ale na zvyšných dvoch kompoch (uplne rovnaké op.systémy, aj rovnaká verzia Opery) to neblbne. No pozriem sa na to.
Spoiler: ukázať
1 PC: CPU: AMD E5 3600X cooled by noctua NH-U12S-SE AM4MB: Gigabyte Aorus B450 Pro, VGA: Gainward Geforce GTX 1660Ti 6GB Pegasus, RAM: Patriot Viper Steel Series 16GB KIT DDR4 3600 MHz CL17, HDD: SSD ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro SSD 256 GB + Crucial M500 240GB + 2xWD 1 TB Green SATA2, , PSU: Corsair TX650W, Case: NZXT Apollo, LCD: LG W43 series 23",Windows 10 Home premium X64bit
2 PC: Notebook HP Probook 455, OS: Win10 HP 64bit
3 PC: Notebook Asus, OS: Win 10 HP 64bit
Samung Galaxy Note 10+
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 10030
Dátum registrácie: So 18. Jún, 2005, 20:00
Bydlisko: Nové Zámky

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa crux2005 »

Opera 10.60 Alpha 1: Speed, eye-candy, and bug fixing

We are now preparing for a 10.60 release, which we aim to synchronized across all desktop platforms. This alpha will give you noticeable gains in performance, an improved user interface (UI), and lots of bug fixes.


Our Core team never rests, and we have noticeably increased Opera's performance once again. You should see performance improvements for both JavaScript, DOM and CSS.

UI improvements

In addition to the visual tweaks you have seen already, such as the Speed Dial facelift, we have also been making further UI enhancements. You will notice that the O menu button now says "Menu" for easy discovery, and instead of hard to read thumbnails for internal tabs, we have replaced them with icons. The tab hover previews have also received a facelift.

On Windows, we have disabled the Windows 7 taskbar previews by default, as they were causing frustration for people with a lot of open tabs. You can enable them from the Tabs sections of the Preferences dialog.


Following the major rewrite of the Opera Framework for 10.50, which replaced Carbon with Cocoa, we have gone back and removed as much Carbon code as possible. The few things that are left are loaded dynamically, which should improve performance.

Also for our Mac users, please note that Java only works if you have installed the very latest Java update on Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6. There is no Java support on Mac OS 10.4.


For Unix users, this obviously means that there will be no 10.5x version. However, we are aiming for synchronizing the 10.60 release across all platforms, and Unix will benefit from all the improvements since 10.5x.

Known issues
Icon replacements for internal pages are stretched in the tab hover previews
Webfonts are broken on Mac and Unix
CORE-30259 (Text selection lost (breaks Quick Quote on My Opera))
Spoiler: ukázať

Updated version number to 10.60
Use icons instead of thumbnails for some internal tab types, such as mail and downloads
Fixed DSK-239575 (Zoom box in email compose page is broken)
Fixed DSK-284115 (Mail not re-indexed after removing lexicon)
Fixed DSK-285118 (Tab chrome is missing for restored tab when new tab is opened in background)
Fixed DSK-288581 (MathML entities don't work in Opera 10.5x)
Fixed DSK-290704 (Make scrollbar knob bigger with big pages)
Fixed DSK-291718 (Minimized Opera not restored when opening external link)
Fixed DSK-292233 (Opera crashes on uninstalling widgets via the panel)
Fixed DSK-292307 (Can't remove widgets with Cyrillic name)
Fixed DSK-295244 (Inspect Element should not be the last item in Image Properties)
Fixed DSK-296724 (Crash viewing Opera skin images on a page while using the Omelion skin)
Fixed DSK-297250 (Opera crashes in Save As and Open dialogs)
Fixed DSK-297282 (Crash on right clicking Google Earth plugin)
Fixed DSK-297390 (Issues with focus in Google Earth plugin)
Fixed DSK-297560 (Missing toolbar after starting with new page if source viewer was previously active tab)

Speed Dial
Fixed DSK-293919 (Dragging speed dial entry to another position executes default action on target in addition to dropping)
Fixed DSK-297432 (Close button: Visual glitch)
Fixed DSK-297814 (Background of Speed Dial dialogs too transparent)
Fixed DSK-298063 (When Speed Dial is set Read Only, no titles are shown)
Fixed DSK-298098 (Visual degradation when setting opacity to a low value (disabling opacity for now))
Fixed DSK-298364 (Crash when hovering Speed Dial tab)
Fixed DSK-299663 (Buttons at the bottom overlap when height is reduced)

Fixed CORE-192 (Remove support for div nowrap)
Fixed CORE-1386 (MouseEvent and UIEvent interfaces not exposed)
Fixed CORE-14878 (0.01% height of auto in standards mode should compute to auto but doesn't (Picasa))
Fixed CORE-19575 (E-mail contact importer on http://www.hi5.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; triggers file download)
Fixed CORE-19880 (Don't differentiate between shrink-to-fit and table cell content width propagation)
Fixed CORE-20102 (Absolutely positioned element inside bottom absolutely positioned element doesn't redraw when moved)
Fixed CORE-20449 (--!> and --\s*> do not close a comment)
Fixed CORE-21628 (Scripts hang at http://www.toshiba.co.jp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (plugin related))
Fixed CORE-22498 (location.replace in iframe turns previously initiated location.href assignment in parent into a replace)
Fixed CORE-22761 (Address shouldn't have padding)
Fixed CORE-22879 (Cell width larger than that of table if cell has nowrap should be respected only in quirks mode)
Fixed CORE-23522 (HTML5: Add support for onhashchange events)
Fixed CORE-23560 (Negative clip left/top value, larger than elements widht/height hides element)
Fixed CORE-23989 (Navigating to a different WML card via element doesn't work)
Fixed CORE-25367 (After acceptation of certificate, SSL negotiation fails in some circumstances)
Fixed CORE-25463 (Combination of z-index, display, overflow, position and float hides content at Google Wave)
Fixed CORE-25786 (Reading empty cookie value still appends = (jil.org))
Fixed CORE-26001 (CSS selector matching performance improvement)
Fixed CORE-26027 (Caret appears in the wrong position if put in an empty block beside a float (new reply on Google Wave))
Fixed CORE-26647 (Freeze caused by nesting positioned and non-positioned elements)
Fixed CORE-26674 (Content overflowing content edge but not padding edge triggers scrollbar for overflow:auto)
Fixed CORE-26824 (Mouse coordinates wrongly reported to Flash)
Fixed CORE-27299 (Zimbra: UI freezes when closing calendar item - history.back() causes unload event)
Fixed CORE-27385 (Can't install Skandiabanken CA certificate)
Fixed CORE-27402 (Navigator mimeTypes description is wrong)
Fixed CORE-27532 (liveConnect TCs show undefined until Reload)
Fixed CORE-27600 (Odd XSLT behaviour with (non-URI) ihost names)
Fixed CORE-27693 (Cant view Google Pistview - document.readyState can revert to "interactive" from "completed" when content is added to the DOM)
Fixed CORE-27730 (Nested positioned descendants of inline-block fails to redraw)
Fixed CORE-27774 (Float and clear tests regressed - empty line inserted)
Fixed CORE-27826 (Nested positioned descendants of inline-block with z-index fails to redraw)
Partially Fixed CORE-27877 (The separator between attributes and params should be PARAM:null, not PARAM:"")
Fixed CORE-27900 (Animated Harmonograph Experiment not animated)
Fixed CORE-28143 (Unexpected 14px offsetTop for page when close a inner window for web.qq.com)
Fixed CORE-28213 (Danskebank not working - let document.domain affect frame navigation policy)
Fixed CORE-28444 (Windowless plugin desynchronizes with page after scrolling)
Fixed CORE-28845 (Don't set the focus on DocumentEdit when handling an onfocus event on the body)
Fixed CORE-28943 (Can't enable plugin by clicking arrow on this page (EnableOnDemandPlugin/EnableOnDemandPluginPlaceholder))
Fixed CORE-29028 (Optimize premultiplication of decoded images)
Fixed DSK-275537 (Chinese IME causes Opera to crash when typing on tieba.baidu.com)
Fixed CORE-30034 (Webstorage crash)

Fixed DSK-294923 (Disable taskbar thumbnails by default and make an option in preferences)

Fixed DSK-299267 (Slow element reflow with some italic fonts)
Fixed DSK-298779 (Pinch to zoom gesture in compose screen crashes Opera)
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... 60-alpha-1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
s pozdravom, crux.
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 943
Dátum registrácie: St 19. Sep, 2007, 08:00
Bydlisko: Sereď (38)

Re: Opera 10.x

Príspevok od používateľa pepo30 »

je to to iste co moj problem ? viewtopic.php?p=658967#p658967 je tam aj riesenie pod tym
Tak je k tomiu niečo písane ale odkaz na stránku ktorý tam je už nefunguje takže som nepochodil nijak... :?
Spoiler: ukázať
1 PC: CPU: AMD E5 3600X cooled by noctua NH-U12S-SE AM4MB: Gigabyte Aorus B450 Pro, VGA: Gainward Geforce GTX 1660Ti 6GB Pegasus, RAM: Patriot Viper Steel Series 16GB KIT DDR4 3600 MHz CL17, HDD: SSD ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro SSD 256 GB + Crucial M500 240GB + 2xWD 1 TB Green SATA2, , PSU: Corsair TX650W, Case: NZXT Apollo, LCD: LG W43 series 23",Windows 10 Home premium X64bit
2 PC: Notebook HP Probook 455, OS: Win10 HP 64bit
3 PC: Notebook Asus, OS: Win 10 HP 64bit
Samung Galaxy Note 10+

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