Ja pocuvam rock a metal, ale to neznamena, ze kazdu skupinu, co naspieva a nakrici nieco do rytmu (ikeD v metale na to musi vediet spievat, narozdiel od Hip Hopu ), pocuvam to co ma zmysel a emócie. Uz si nepamatam kto to pisal, ale hudba ma odovzdavat emócie posluchacom - teda smutne piesne smutok, stastne stastie, a napr. DNB radost (z pohybu)...Ale ake emócie odovzdava Rap? Pocit, ze ja som velky frajer, vsetci su uboziaci, jednoducho brutalne sebectvo. clovek prestane rozmyslat nad svojim zivotom, nad zivotami ostatnych, zacina sa stavat slepim pre utrpenie druhych a nerozmysla nad tym, ze to co kona, moze mat nasledky, nesprava sa racionalne, a nechava sa riadit prvou p**ovinou co mu pride na rozum (nezbijeme tamtoho tipka?). ano, su tu aj vynimky (napr, da sa zivot zhora, zivot zdola...).
Ale odkazovat sa na to, ze tam dany raper "spieva" o tom, aky mal tazky zivot je podla mna blbost. Cele je to o tom, ze nejaky tipek vyuzije hlupost ludi a nasugeruje im do hlavy to, ze jeho hudba je super...
Chcete vidiet, ako ma vyzerat piesen o tazkom zivote, o premrhanom case?
Kód: Vybrať všetko
Black and gray clouds willow in the balance as the sun falls.
Rain plays a heart warming tune, on the pavement.
Emotions stir.
A feeling of warmness, compassion, I feel at home.
Disguised by surroundings.
As the torn and left in the gutter seek vengeance on their mistreated lives.
As the torn and left in the cold, seek vengeance on mistreated lives.
As the torn and left in the cold, seek vengeance on mistreated lives.
A silhouette stands still.
A cactus on a warm summer night.
But the rain falls cold
and the moon shines bright.
Black as night.
Cold as ice.
Warm as home.
Ready to live.
Stars they shoot.
In a clear.
Across the sky.
As does my time.
Waiting, wanting, feeling, emotion.
Crying, breaking, loving, NOTHING.
Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone,
thinking good times, and why'd they go?
Breaking down, breaking away from me.
Falling down, breaking away from me.
I need this place to get away from you.
Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone,
thinking good times, and why'd they go?
No a terz by som si prosil jednu tu, zevraj, dobru HipHOp piesen o tazkom zivote bohateho rapera...Dokazte mi, ze nejaky Hip-Hoper dokaze spravit nieco lepsie...