I: Podava sa trestne oznamenie. Zvysok na prvej strane.
OT: ako to bude so zarukou ???
PC:1 * Opteron144@2935mhz 326x9 1.55Vcore * * WaterCooled By Viscool V2 WB ** <> ** Eheim 1048 & reservoir by Viscool ** Kadet Radiator * DFI LP UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert * WaterCooled by Viscool SLIM * G.SKILL F1-4000USU2-2GB HZ PC4000 * 7K250 120GB * T7K250 250GB SATAII NCQ * Leadtek 7900GT * WaterCooled * DVD-RW LG-4163A106 * CaseTek C1018 * CoolerMaster 450W RealPower * PHILIPS 21"CRT 201B40 <> 1600/1200 @ 100HZ !!! *
Kontaktujte ma cez ICQ:324-124-765[/colour]
Kontaktujte ma cez ICQ:324-124-765[/colour]
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 46
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 28. Jún, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Myjava,Blava
Neviem mozno som sa niekde pomylil,ale rozdiely v cenach su minimalne,takze to je jedno.Pridat sa samozrejme mozes ak suhlasis s podmienkami,ktore som napisal. Mozes si vziat aky chces procesor ,ovsem nemoze byt obsadeny,pretoze newegg robi limity na urcite procesory a tie limity su napisane na strane 2.
Takze preskumam newegg a opravi mozne nezrovnalosti na str. 2.
Neviem mozno som sa niekde pomylil,ale rozdiely v cenach su minimalne,takze to je jedno.Pridat sa samozrejme mozes ak suhlasis s podmienkami,ktore som napisal. Mozes si vziat aky chces procesor ,ovsem nemoze byt obsadeny,pretoze newegg robi limity na urcite procesory a tie limity su napisane na strane 2.
Takze preskumam newegg a opravi mozne nezrovnalosti na str. 2.
AMD64 4000+/2.64GHz//2x2 512Mb kingston hyperX box 433Mhz~488MHz- 7800GTX 256Mb 490/1300MHz//2x250 Hitachi SATAII//CHILL inovation 510A//DFI LanParty UT NF4 ULTRA SLI-D//Asus 1608P+combo Toshiba
OK beriem AthlonXP-M 2500+/45W/266Mhz-85$ - peniaze su v tom mozno budem mat stastie a ak nie tak 2,4GHz mi staci hlavne aby ta seria pokial mozno sa bude dat sedela a inak treba napisat ako s tymi peniazmi?? bo idem prec v utorok, aby som ti ich stihol poslat
z http://overclock.net/showthread.php?t=287
Will this work in my motherboard?
Reccomended motherboards:
Abit NF7-S V2
Abit AN7
DFI LANPARTY NFII ULTRA B *Note the DFI Infinity and the DFI Lanparty perform the same
Nforce2 motherboards: Will work with any as long as your motherboard allows you to change multis. Depending on if you have a cheap mobo you might need a pin mod to toggle from the upper multis(12.5-24) to the lower multis (6-12)
Via motherboards: In most cases this will work, but a pin mod may be nessasary to change the multi's
What should i expect when first popping my XP-M in?
These are all normal things that happen so dont be alarmed
* Defaults as (6x100) 600mhz when you first pop it in.
* Vcore defaults as 1.575 or somewhere in that range
* Reads as "Unknown CPU"
How do they OC?
The are average estimates
Average Air cooling OC: 2400-2500mhz
Superb Air cooling OC: 2600-2700mhz
Watercooling: 2700-2900mhz
The best steppings?
For 45W mobiles the best steppings (higher overclocking) read from cheaper steppings to best steppings, IQXFA < IQYFA < IQYHA < IQZFA (the "A" starting mobiles dont do as well but if you have an "A" then it still can be a good OCer)
*Note, with 35watt CPUs it looks like the stepping doesnt matter.
A je tam aj o mobilnych 64
z http://overclock.net/showthread.php?t=287
Will this work in my motherboard?
Reccomended motherboards:
Abit NF7-S V2
Abit AN7
DFI LANPARTY NFII ULTRA B *Note the DFI Infinity and the DFI Lanparty perform the same
Nforce2 motherboards: Will work with any as long as your motherboard allows you to change multis. Depending on if you have a cheap mobo you might need a pin mod to toggle from the upper multis(12.5-24) to the lower multis (6-12)
Via motherboards: In most cases this will work, but a pin mod may be nessasary to change the multi's
What should i expect when first popping my XP-M in?
These are all normal things that happen so dont be alarmed
* Defaults as (6x100) 600mhz when you first pop it in.
* Vcore defaults as 1.575 or somewhere in that range
* Reads as "Unknown CPU"
How do they OC?
The are average estimates
Average Air cooling OC: 2400-2500mhz
Superb Air cooling OC: 2600-2700mhz
Watercooling: 2700-2900mhz
The best steppings?
For 45W mobiles the best steppings (higher overclocking) read from cheaper steppings to best steppings, IQXFA < IQYFA < IQYHA < IQZFA (the "A" starting mobiles dont do as well but if you have an "A" then it still can be a good OCer)
*Note, with 35watt CPUs it looks like the stepping doesnt matter.
A je tam aj o mobilnych 64
I found paradise, it`s Ibiza.
I found heaven at Decibel Outdoor festival - Beekse Bergen , ilvarenbeek, Netherland
I found heaven at Decibel Outdoor festival - Beekse Bergen , ilvarenbeek, Netherland
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 46
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 28. Jún, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Myjava,Blava
Peniaze mi zatial este neposielajte bo som na chate...
Okrem LoPiO-a , ktory nema inu moznost.
Preferujem poslanie postou,alebo osobka V TN alebo NM max.
Blava je daleko a nieje skola.
Takze uzavierka je 1.9 takze je este par dni casu.
Neskor vam poslem adr. cez SS
Okrem LoPiO-a , ktory nema inu moznost.
Preferujem poslanie postou,alebo osobka V TN alebo NM max.
Blava je daleko a nieje skola.
Takze uzavierka je 1.9 takze je este par dni casu.
Neskor vam poslem adr. cez SS
AMD64 4000+/2.64GHz//2x2 512Mb kingston hyperX box 433Mhz~488MHz- 7800GTX 256Mb 490/1300MHz//2x250 Hitachi SATAII//CHILL inovation 510A//DFI LanParty UT NF4 ULTRA SLI-D//Asus 1608P+combo Toshiba
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 46
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 28. Jún, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Myjava,Blava
Kedze na chate nam vznikli male prob. tak som doma a mozeme to rozbehnut,cez SS som vam rozposlal ADR. kto ma peniaze nech posle.
A este ak mate niekto starsieho athlona,tak kamarat by chcel ja vam ho odcitam z ceny noveho,tak ak niekto mate tak sa ozvite.
A este ak mate niekto starsieho athlona,tak kamarat by chcel ja vam ho odcitam z ceny noveho,tak ak niekto mate tak sa ozvite.
AMD64 4000+/2.64GHz//2x2 512Mb kingston hyperX box 433Mhz~488MHz- 7800GTX 256Mb 490/1300MHz//2x250 Hitachi SATAII//CHILL inovation 510A//DFI LanParty UT NF4 ULTRA SLI-D//Asus 1608P+combo Toshiba