Co je toto :"Intel® Active Management Technology"???

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Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
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Co je toto :"Intel® Active Management Technology"???

Príspevok od používateľa Toman »

- co je "Intel® Active Management Technology"???
- po starte noveho NTB mi to vyhodi error ze "Intel® Active Management Technology" je disabled, kontaktujte administratora...
- tu je otom nejake info ... intel-amt/" onclick=";return false;

- ale nejak som sa s toho nevedel vysomarit...

T. :?:
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
Príspevky: 15054
Dátum registrácie: Ut 26. Feb, 2008, 14:00
Bydlisko: Bratislava/Štúrovo

Re: Co je toto :"Intel® Active Management Technology"???

Príspevok od používateľa faugusztin »

Vzdialena sprava PC vo vacsich sietiach, sprava HW, moznost vzdialene spravovat a nabootovat PC atd... Nic pre bezneho usera." onclick=";return false;
Intel AMT is part of the Intel Management Engine, which is built into PCs with Intel vPro technology.[2] Intel AMT is a set of remote management and security features designed into the PC’s hardware and which allow a sys-admin with AMT security privileges to access system information and perform specific remote operations on the PC.[5] These operations include remote power up/down (via wake on LAN), remote / redirected boot (via integrated device electronics redirect, or IDE-R), console redirection (via serial over LAN), and other remote management and security features.

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