I5 vs FX

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Dátum registrácie: Ut 16. Dec, 2014, 21:48

I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa babrak »

Zdar pani. Chcem sa opytat ktory procesor od AMD by sa cisto v hrach rovnal 4460 ? ci vsetci ste zastanci intelu ? :D A ci sa oplati v dnesnej dobe kupovat AMD processor s ohladom do buducna?
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

FX9590 by sa mu rovnala v hrach.

Ziadny ohlad do buducna s tym CPU neexistuje. FX su co sa tyka multithreadu ALU na urovni medzi i5 a i7, takze o5 nevynikaju ani v ideadlnych podmienkach, starsie jednovlaknove hry narocnejsie na vykon cpu-jadier to nerozbeha, nehovoriac o FPU, kde v niecom kde sa cisto vyuziva ako napr. superpi ( http://www.overclockers.com/wp-content/ ... 0-sp1m.jpg ) ma skoro konecne core 2 quad konkurenciu a su na tom daleko horsie ako x rokov starsie Phenomy II. Tomuto niekto hovori future proof, ja tomu hovorim prepadak od uvedenia. S i5 a i7 si clovek zahra vzdy a vsetko, FX niekedy a nieco, aj to musi clovek trpnut po uvedeni hry, ci na nu vobec daju opravny performance patch ktory zacne tie procaky vyhrabavat z pod zeme a moze ju hrat tak 3 mesiace po vydani.

Ak vies po anglicky, tu mas nieco jednoduchsie, co ti vysvetli ako to vlastne cele funguje.
Spoiler: ukázať
The basic CPU core is a decoder, a register file, an ALU, and some I/O to talk to the rest of the world. Since about the early 1990s, this has also included an FPU unit, but that hardly implies that a core without a complete FPU is somehow not a core.

Bulldozer module has a 4-wide decoder front-end that services one process per-clock. That means that the two cores are unaware of the existence of each other, and the front-end is just a simple shared unit with fine-grained multithreading. There is no ability for multiple processes to schedule instructions on either core in the module, so the decoders and ALUs are not SMT. The FPU is the only part of the module that is SMT, as the FPU scheduler queue can accept requests from multiple procesess. The Steamroller architecture update gets rid of this complexity and just has 4 decodes per-core, meaning only the FPU is shared.

If you run integer-heavy workloads on a Bulldozer module, it will be surprisingly close to a 2x speedup on well-threaded code, which means it looks and acts like a regular dual-core processor. And in this day and age, AMD's bet was surprisingly on-target, as the vast majority of the old FPU loads from games came from things like software lighting (that the GPU handles now). So today's game loads are mostly AI and game engine, which is a mixture of FPU and ALU.

The reason the module architecture sucks is because they castrated the decode/integer resources by 1/3 in a mad dash to make more simple cores that they could clock faster. They also didn't consider the fact that each core you have in your design adds interconnect complexity, and extra cache: no matter how simple your core is, it must be fed, so the "simple" core system actually backfired on them (giving therm the largest AND slowest per-core CPU around).

Then they hit up against the reasonable power wall, so the insane clock speeds they had been planning were shelved...until they realized they had nowhere else to grow performance, and released the 200w behemoths anyway

I can only hope that AMD has learned how to make STARS better, much like Intel learned how to make P6 better. Otherwise, it's going to be dark days ahead for AMD fans
Nakoniec jeden novorocny "zmanipulovany test" prepni si pri kazdej hre na SLI GTX 770 a min./avg. FPS, kde je obycajna i3 daleko pred nim a v zalozke Professional performance a tak isto aj WEB performance FX neprekvapivo neexceluje ani po pretaktovani oproti i3.

http://www.anandtech.com/show/8864/amd- ... -vishera/5
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Príspevky: 68
Dátum registrácie: Ut 16. Dec, 2014, 21:48

Re: I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa babrak »

inac pozeram ze ty mas ten procak nad ktorym rozmyslam ja akurat vraj tam je blba pasta medzi ihs a die. na kolko sa to da pretaktovat bez toho aby to clovek musel odelit a dat tam lepsiu teplovodivu pastu ? alebo radsej 4690k ? tam je vraj lepsia . mozte napisat max takty ake ste dosiahli s akym chladicom a na akej doske nech si popozeram co by som zakupil dik :) ten FX teda seriem ked je taky hrozny som myslel ze su na tom lepsie trochu :D
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

Kolko ti to da ti nik nepovie, nahoda je svina. Tych 4.5ghz je na 4690k je realne.
Na nezmyselne komenty miestnych intelektualov nereagujem.
Nový používateľ
Nový používateľ
Príspevky: 68
Dátum registrácie: Ut 16. Dec, 2014, 21:48

Re: I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa babrak »

A aku dosku by bolo dobre k tomu mat ? nemusi to ist na tych 4,5 jak si pisal staci mi 4,1-4,2 ked to pretocim :D nieco lacnejsie kedze ten procesor je drahsi jak tie co nejdu taktovat
Príspevky: 2299
Dátum registrácie: St 25. Sep, 2013, 12:05
Bydlisko: Spisska Nova Ves

Re: I5 vs FX

Príspevok od používateľa Asnod »

To uz patri do nakupnej poradne. Takze najlepsie ak si tam spravis temu a urcite sa ti dostane rady.
Na nezmyselne komenty miestnych intelektualov nereagujem.

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