Ked si objednaval, tak si klikol EU Express, ze? Ziadne DPDUK1 ani 2 tam nebolo na vyber?
CPU: R9-5900X Cooler: Kraken X62 MB: x570 TUF PRO (Wi-Fi) GPU: RTX 3080 Ti Suprim X
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 9
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Okt, 2017, 18:34
Presne tak, len som klikol na EU express a zaplatil. Nasledne bol chvilu procesing s nasledne na to bol niekolko dni status dispatchet a naslende status shippet out a v trekovani sa ukazalo spomenute dpduk1a2 a cisla. Trekol som to cez web dpd uk s stale je status na ceste. Tiez je tam odkaz na dpd global a po kliknuti sa dostanem na nase dpd kde je informacia ze dpd datove centrum dostalo info o zasielke ale takto je to uz viac ako 2 tyzdne. Normalnou postou mi veci z uk chodia tyzfen.
Nejaka varka balikov bola uvolnena cca tyzden aj pol az dva dozadu...aktualne ma viacero ludi (SR,CR, HU) rovnake problemy. GB to riesi
Spoiler: ukázať
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 9
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Okt, 2017, 18:34
Mame to chapat tak, ze problem je zo strany colnych uradov v uk a nie na strane dopravcu teda DPD?
Co znamena, ze bola varka uvolnena?
Mne odpisali, ze ja som si sam klikol DPDUK1 a ze je to ine ako EU Express, co teda podla mna je to iste. Mam tam uz od 17 septembra ze Processing, teda vcera po otvoreni ticketu mi odpisali, ze vsetko maju naskladnene a hned posielaju a zmenili to na "Packed" nic viac. Takze neviem co sa deje, ale kedze maju teraz sviatky tak to chapem a pockam, uvidim ci sa to zmeni. Ale predtym, ked mi posielali cez EU Express, tak kludne aj tyzden som mal na trackingu, ze ocakavaju zasielku, takze to je bezna vec.
Mne odpisali, ze ja som si sam klikol DPDUK1 a ze je to ine ako EU Express, co teda podla mna je to iste. Mam tam uz od 17 septembra ze Processing, teda vcera po otvoreni ticketu mi odpisali, ze vsetko maju naskladnene a hned posielaju a zmenili to na "Packed" nic viac. Takze neviem co sa deje, ale kedze maju teraz sviatky tak to chapem a pockam, uvidim ci sa to zmeni. Ale predtym, ked mi posielali cez EU Express, tak kludne aj tyzden som mal na trackingu, ze ocakavaju zasielku, takze to je bezna vec.
CPU: R9-5900X Cooler: Kraken X62 MB: x570 TUF PRO (Wi-Fi) GPU: RTX 3080 Ti Suprim X
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
- Nový používateľ
- Príspevky: 9
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Okt, 2017, 18:34
Tyzden je OK ale 18 dni na ceste z uk je uz dost,
Ano problem je na strane colnikov v UK, ktory zadrziavaju zasielky. Aktualne su v cine sviatky takze predpokladam, ze aj malo GB ludi pracuje
Spoiler: ukázať
Aha, takze preto to este z ciny neposlali, aby to tam v UK nestalo, kedze UK colnici robia problemy. No tak hadam, ze sa to coskoro vyriesi.
CPU: R9-5900X Cooler: Kraken X62 MB: x570 TUF PRO (Wi-Fi) GPU: RTX 3080 Ti Suprim X
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
RAM: GSkill 64GB 3600CL16 SSD OS: Corsair MP600 PRO XT 2TB
SSD: Micron 7400 PRO 3840BG, PNY CS3040 2TB, Kingston KC600 1TB PSU: Corsair HX1000 CASE: Fractal Torrent
mne dnes odpísali k mojej zásielke,ktorá už od štvrtka stále stojí na processing
We are sincerely sorry for the delay of reply.
Thank you for contacting us about your order. We are processing it.
The item you ordered is very popular and sold well, so we are sorry to inform you that it is back-ordered now. It will be in stock within half a month.We will ship it as soon as possible. We would like to extend our apologies for this inconvenience.
Please consider our possible solutions here:
Option 1) Wait a period of timeThis item will be in stock within half a month. This date is only a reference date, the accurate date may be later or ealier than it. Once we ship it, you will receive an email from us. Option 2) Exchange for another itemHere is some advice to search for items which are in stock:
Please choose the item, then select size and color, then check if the item is with:Availability: In Stock
If yes, it is available now. If not, it is on back order.
Please let me know the link(url), color, size and sku of the product you would like to choose instead. If there is any price difference during the change, we will either refund it to you on your wallet or send you an invoice to pay for it.
Option 3) Cancel and Get Refund
A: We can refund to your wallet with the more points. You will receive it within 48 hours.
B: We can refund to your payment account.
We look forward to hearing from you and will do our best to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
sranda na tom všetkom však je to,že v ponuke pri tomto boxe svieti,že je dostupný,keď som dnes pozrel na ten box,mali uvedené,že to odosielajú Oct 04 ..neviem čo si mám o tom všetkom teraz myslieť..pri objednávke som mal ešte možnosť EU Express,čiže som si priplatil,aby to došlo čo najskôr,teraz mi tam tiež svieti,ako ste mnohí spomínali DPDUK1 :/
ten Beelink GT1 Ultimate
We are sincerely sorry for the delay of reply.
Thank you for contacting us about your order. We are processing it.
The item you ordered is very popular and sold well, so we are sorry to inform you that it is back-ordered now. It will be in stock within half a month.We will ship it as soon as possible. We would like to extend our apologies for this inconvenience.
Please consider our possible solutions here:
Option 1) Wait a period of timeThis item will be in stock within half a month. This date is only a reference date, the accurate date may be later or ealier than it. Once we ship it, you will receive an email from us. Option 2) Exchange for another itemHere is some advice to search for items which are in stock:
Please choose the item, then select size and color, then check if the item is with:Availability: In Stock
If yes, it is available now. If not, it is on back order.
Please let me know the link(url), color, size and sku of the product you would like to choose instead. If there is any price difference during the change, we will either refund it to you on your wallet or send you an invoice to pay for it.
Option 3) Cancel and Get Refund
A: We can refund to your wallet with the more points. You will receive it within 48 hours.
B: We can refund to your payment account.
We look forward to hearing from you and will do our best to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
sranda na tom všetkom však je to,že v ponuke pri tomto boxe svieti,že je dostupný,keď som dnes pozrel na ten box,mali uvedené,že to odosielajú Oct 04 ..neviem čo si mám o tom všetkom teraz myslieť..pri objednávke som mal ešte možnosť EU Express,čiže som si priplatil,aby to došlo čo najskôr,teraz mi tam tiež svieti,ako ste mnohí spomínali DPDUK1 :/
ten Beelink GT1 Ultimate
Jhaj som to dnes objednal som zvedavý co tam budem mat..
Chcem vas poprosit, ak nieco objednavate z GB, pouzite link v prvom poste... trochu nam tak pomozete
Spoiler: ukázať
a sakra... na mobilnej to neukazovalo.
Nevies nahodou ci ich niekedy naskladnia ?
Nevies nahodou ci ich niekedy naskladnia ?
spytam sa
edit: sluchadla by sa mali predavat aj nadalej. Pravdepodobne chyba na stranke. Ak som dobre videl tak boli vo flash predaji co znamena ze dalsie zlavy sa zatial nedaju dat.
edit: sluchadla by sa mali predavat aj nadalej. Pravdepodobne chyba na stranke. Ak som dobre videl tak boli vo flash predaji co znamena ze dalsie zlavy sa zatial nedaju dat.
Spoiler: ukázať