Ano. Slovensko nie je podporované v LIVE. TO isté Gears of Wars.Toman napísal:Q: Rozbehal uz dakto Multiplaier?
- v tom social klube som prihlaseny....
- mam vytvorene LIVE konto, ale hlasi mi to ze ma nemoze prihlasit, ze mozno som v krajine ktora nieje podporovana
Spoiler: ukázať
Taka hra a vydat tykto bug A to som chcel kupit origo. Nedokoncena grafika a tie naroky.. no comment.
Ale nazova GTA tomu zaruci uspech nech sa deje co sa deje.
Ale nazova GTA tomu zaruci uspech nech sa deje co sa deje.
PC1: 2500K@4,5GHz/passive NOCTUA NH-D14 | 8GB | GIGABYTE 7850@1090/5700 2GB | 128GB SSD/1TB/NAS DS212j 2x1TB | ASUS P8P67-M PRO | Corsair HX 520 | Cooltek U3 | 22" Dell 2209WA
PC2: 2120@3,5GHz/active Gelid Tranquillo | 8GB | ASUS 6850 2GB | 1TB | ASUS P8Z77-V LX | Corsair VX 450 | Thermaltake Soprano | 23" LG Flatron IPS231
PC3: 8400@3,16GHz/DELL OPTIPLEX 755 SFF | 6GB | GTX 750 incoming ? | 64GB SSD | 17" Dell
PC2: 2120@3,5GHz/active Gelid Tranquillo | 8GB | ASUS 6850 2GB | 1TB | ASUS P8Z77-V LX | Corsair VX 450 | Thermaltake Soprano | 23" LG Flatron IPS231
PC3: 8400@3,16GHz/DELL OPTIPLEX 755 SFF | 6GB | GTX 750 incoming ? | 64GB SSD | 17" Dell
- Toman
- Príspevky: 7733
- Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Engerau/Dreamland (Bratislava/Senec) (22)
To znamena co?Xenon napísal:Ano. Slovensko nie je podporované v LIVE. TO isté Gears of Wars.Toman napísal:Q: Rozbehal uz dakto Multiplaier?
- v tom social klube som prihlaseny....
- mam vytvorene LIVE konto, ale hlasi mi to ze ma nemoze prihlasit, ze mozno som v krajine ktora nieje podporovana
- si mam zmenit krajinu kde sa nachadzam???
- vo windowse?
- v LIVE konte?
- v SocialKlube?
je nato riesenie?
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
- Martan
- Používateľ
- Príspevky: 1543
- Dátum registrácie: Pi 09. Jún, 2006, 02:00
- Bydlisko: Bratislava/Petržalka
Musis si jedine znova zalozit LiVE konto a vyber si napriklad UK ako krajinu, that's all.
Teda tak to fungovalo pri GoW...
Teda tak to fungovalo pri GoW...
Spoiler: ukázať
- Toman
- Príspevky: 7733
- Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Engerau/Dreamland (Bratislava/Senec) (22)
VSETKO UZ FUNGUJE!!!!!!(postup na sputrenie multiplaieru)
- treba zalozit Live konto - USA - california - PSC 90210 (preistotu som nastavil aj region PC na USA)
- prihlasit sa na - tam si ativovat "hernu zlosku" (hlavne nastavit lokaciu na USA)
- Zalozit si konto v social klube (" onclick=";return false;) - tam moze byt aj SK
- ist v menu na "Account Linking" a to konto z LIVE si "prilinkovat" priregistrovat
Spustit "Rockstar Games Social Club", v startovacom menu sa prihlasit
- kliknut na PLAY a spustit samotnu hru
- v hre stlacit HOME a prihlasit sa s novim online LIVE kontom (sa stratia savy, da sa k nim vratit pomovou stareho offline LIVE konta)
- spustit novu hru
- a cez mobil spustit multiplaier
ufff to je narocne..... ale potom uz VSETKO FUNGUJE tak ako ma!!!
- treba zalozit Live konto - USA - california - PSC 90210 (preistotu som nastavil aj region PC na USA)
- prihlasit sa na - tam si ativovat "hernu zlosku" (hlavne nastavit lokaciu na USA)
- Zalozit si konto v social klube (" onclick=";return false;) - tam moze byt aj SK
- ist v menu na "Account Linking" a to konto z LIVE si "prilinkovat" priregistrovat
Spustit "Rockstar Games Social Club", v startovacom menu sa prihlasit
- kliknut na PLAY a spustit samotnu hru
- v hre stlacit HOME a prihlasit sa s novim online LIVE kontom (sa stratia savy, da sa k nim vratit pomovou stareho offline LIVE konta)
- spustit novu hru
- a cez mobil spustit multiplaier
ufff to je narocne..... ale potom uz VSETKO FUNGUJE tak ako ma!!!
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
- Moderátor
- Príspevky: 15054
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 26. Feb, 2008, 14:00
- Bydlisko: Bratislava/Štúrovo
Inac informacie o rieseni roznych problemov hry : ... p?t=762088" onclick=";return false; ... p?t=762088" onclick=";return false;
Toman napísal:VSETKO FUNGUJE!!!!!!
- treba zalozit Live konto - USA - california - PSC 90210 (preistotu som nastavil aj region PC na USA)
- prihlasit sa na - tam si hativovat "hernu zlosku" (ties nastavit lokaciu na USA)
- Zalozit si konto v social klube
- ist co menu Account Linking a to konto si "prilinkovat"
Spustit "Rockstar Games Social Club", v startovacom menu sa prihlasit
- kliknut na PLAY a spustit samotnu hru
- v hre stlacit HOME a prihlasit sa s novim online LIVE kontom (sa stratia savy, da sa k nim vratit pomovou stareho offline LIVE konta)
- spustit novu hru
- a cez mobil spustit multiplaier
ufff to je narocne.....
Jo presne tak. Az na to ze ja som si zvolil Norsko.
Nevies nahodou kde mozem vidiet svoje achivevements v tom LIVE?
A este par screenshotov (1920x1200, High/High, 33/60/30/1, zostava v podpise). Su resiznute samozrejme.
Tento neni moj:
- Toman
- Príspevky: 7733
- Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Engerau/Dreamland (Bratislava/Senec) (22)
Ake mate LIVE ID????? ja som "TomanPC"
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
- Toman
- Príspevky: 7733
- Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Engerau/Dreamland (Bratislava/Senec) (22)
Zoznam Error kodou s vysvetlenim
RMN20 - Windows Vista: Need to have Service Pack 1 or higher to proceed.
RMN30 - Windows XP 64 / Server 2003: Need to have Service Pack 2 or higher to proceed.
RMN40 - Windows XP: Need to have Service Pack 3 or higher to proceed.
DD3D50 - D3D Error - DirectX 9 video card required
TEXP110 - D3D Error - Failed to create texture - Please restart the game
DWIN20 - D3D Error - Failed to query memory. Please re-start the game.
DD3D10 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D10 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D30 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DWIN30 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D20 - D3D Error - Please re-install the game and/or re-install DirectX
DWIN10 - D3D Error - Please restart the game
DD3D60 - D3D Error - Shader Model 3.0 or higher is required
DD3D70 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
GPUP10 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP20 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP30 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP80 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
DD3D40 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX
TEXP10 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX
DD3D80 - D3D reset failed - Please restart the game.
STRB10 - Failed to delete file - Please re-boot your system
RMN10 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
STRM10 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
STRM20 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
BNDL10 - Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
STBF10 - Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
VOIC10 - Fatal voice chat error - Please restart the game
RESC10 - Out of video memory - Please re-boot your system
BA10 - Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
EA10 - Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
TEXP60 - Unable to create color render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
TEXP70 - Unable to create depth render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
AE10 - Insufficient Memory to Start Game - Please close some applications and restart the game
PC10 - Unable to retrieve D3D Device - Please reboot your machine or reinstall your display driver
TF10 - Unable to write to disk - Please restart the game
WS20 - InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
WS30 - InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
RMN20 - Windows Vista: Need to have Service Pack 1 or higher to proceed.
RMN30 - Windows XP 64 / Server 2003: Need to have Service Pack 2 or higher to proceed.
RMN40 - Windows XP: Need to have Service Pack 3 or higher to proceed.
DD3D50 - D3D Error - DirectX 9 video card required
TEXP110 - D3D Error - Failed to create texture - Please restart the game
DWIN20 - D3D Error - Failed to query memory. Please re-start the game.
DD3D10 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D10 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D30 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DWIN30 - D3D Error - Please re-boot your system
DD3D20 - D3D Error - Please re-install the game and/or re-install DirectX
DWIN10 - D3D Error - Please restart the game
DD3D60 - D3D Error - Shader Model 3.0 or higher is required
DD3D70 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
GPUP10 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP20 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP30 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
TEXP80 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system
DD3D40 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX
TEXP10 - D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX
DD3D80 - D3D reset failed - Please restart the game.
STRB10 - Failed to delete file - Please re-boot your system
RMN10 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
STRM10 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
STRM20 - Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system
BNDL10 - Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
STBF10 - Failed to write file – Please re-boot your system
VOIC10 - Fatal voice chat error - Please restart the game
RESC10 - Out of video memory - Please re-boot your system
BA10 - Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
EA10 - Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system
TEXP60 - Unable to create color render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
TEXP70 - Unable to create depth render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.
AE10 - Insufficient Memory to Start Game - Please close some applications and restart the game
PC10 - Unable to retrieve D3D Device - Please reboot your machine or reinstall your display driver
TF10 - Unable to write to disk - Please restart the game
WS20 - InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
WS30 - InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
GTA IV u mna na stole aa mozem ist instalovat...
mozme potom zalozit clan co vy na to
mozme potom zalozit clan co vy na to
Maticna : Asus Striker II Formula | Procesor : Intel Core2Duo E6850 @ 3.3GHz | Chladic CPU : Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme + Noctua NF-P12-1300 | Graficka : 2* MSI GeForce NX8800GTS T2D512E OC PCX | Chladic VGA : 2* ZALMAN Z-Machine GV 1000 | Ram : CORSAIR DDR2 2x2048MB 800MHz TWIN2X C5DHX Techn. | Hdd : Hitachi 320GB 7200rpm 16MB Sata2, Hitachi 500GB 7200rpm 16MB Sata2, Samsung SpinPoint F1 640GB 7200rpm 16MB Sata2, Samsung SpinPoint F1 1000GB 7200rpm 32MB Sata2 | Zdroj : Fortron 600W Epsilon FX600-80 | Case : NZXT ZERO Tower Crafted Series | LCD : LG 22" LCD L225WT-BF 5ms 5000:1 DVI
- Toman
- Príspevky: 7733
- Dátum registrácie: St 06. Júl, 2005, 20:00
- Bydlisko: Engerau/Dreamland (Bratislava/Senec) (22)
som za, potom si ma pridaj do Live profilu
AMD 7600X, B650M, 32Gb 6400, RTX 3070TI, Fractal Torrent
no pozeram ze mas 8800GTS 512MB.. co ti na to poviem sam zalozis rukami... dufam ze stym nieco spravia .... sam moc nevyskakujem hra v noci znacne seka..Matu3s napísal:GTA IV u mna na stole aa mozem ist instalovat...
mozme potom zalozit clan co vy na to
Naposledy upravil/-a FEAR v Pi 05. Dec, 2008, 12:56, upravené celkom 4 krát.