GA-MA790X-DS4 a nový bios F6

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Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Mar, 2009, 17:47

GA-MA790X-DS4 a nový bios F6

Príspevok od používateľa DelBossco »

cafte všetci

neodporúčam si ho napaľovať nedá sa zapnúť Gangen/UnGanged mód čo znamená že neviete si zapnúť Dual memory (Ganged) systém a tým prepnúť pamäte do 128bit režimu na staršom biose F5 to išlo.
písal som aj do gigabytu ale odpoveď ma nepotešila skôr pobavila : asi to písal nejaký taiwančan narýchlo nech mu dám pokoj

Thank you for your kindly mail and supporting GIGABYTE. About the issue you mentioned in your earlier mail, the DCT mode option you mentioned is no longer in F6 BIOS version and this option will be dispeared in future released BIOS. If you still want to use this option, we suggest you can use the previous version of BIOS, sorry for the inconvenience.

At last, if you still have any further question to this issue or suggestion about our products/service, please do not hesitate to contact with us. If you have any issue different from original, make sure you issue a new form in order to get proper assistance and it may be response faster as well. We will try our best to help you resolve the problem ASAP.

Best Regards,

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Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Mar, 2009, 17:47

Re: GA-MA790X-DS4 a nový bios F6

Príspevok od používateľa DelBossco »

Nedalo mi to a vyrukoval som s novou otázkou pre gigabyte :
Takže táto doska už nebude podporovať Dual memory channel smola no.

Thank you for your kindly mail and supporting GIGABYTE. About the issue you mentioned in your earlier mail, due to CPU manufacturer recommends to close DCTs Mode function, thus, this option is no longer in the new version of BIOS, the deafault setting of DCTs Mode is Unganged Mode.

However, our engineers have tested these two features, the performance of Unganged Mode and Ganged Mode are almost the same, thus, it would not affect any performance on your motherboard. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Dátum registrácie: Ne 04. Máj, 2008, 14:00
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Re: GA-MA790X-DS4 a nový bios F6

Príspevok od používateľa katcheer »

Tak, to je haluz. Toto sa dozviem prave ked som sa chystal updatovat bios :) . Pekne zostanen na v.F5, nech vsetko funguje ako ma, aj ked ony tvrdia, ze to "nema" dopad na vykon. V kazdom pripade dik za info. :good:
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Dátum registrácie: St 28. Nov, 2007, 08:00
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Re: GA-MA790X-DS4 a nový bios F6

Príspevok od používateľa vladko2 »

Dnes som stiahol a flashol nový bios f7a a už to funguje

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