Street Fighter 4

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Dátum registrácie: Št 09. Apr, 2009, 11:56
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Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa Srnec »

juuuuj konecne nech uz to vyjde... uz tu roooooky nebola ziadna mlatička na PC... este keby si tekken6 rozmysleli a dali na PC tak koniec :)
CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q8300 @3,075GHz CPU Cooling: Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro GPU: Gigabyte GTX260OC 896MB MB: Gigabyte EP45-DS3L RAM: Kingston 2x2GB kit 1066MHz HyperX @1093MHz 5-5-5-15, 2,1V PSU: Fortron FSP500-60GLN 80PLUS 500W HDD: Samsung 320GB, Maxtor 160GB FAN front: Airen Red Wings 120 Clever CASE: Cooler Master Elite330 (Black)+FAN back REPRO: Creative T3100 (2.1) TABLET: Trust TB-7300 LCD: 22" Samsung T220 OS: Windows 7 64bit
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Príspevky: 1915
Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Stará Turá

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa MichiGen »


Pre majitelov GeForce kariet urcite nainstalovat ovladace 186.xx ak nechcu mat vyrazne prepady po zapnuti antialiasingu.

Po DMC 4 dalsia nadherne optimalizovana hra od Capcomu, teraz som zvedavy na Resident Evil 5.
CPU: C2D E4500 2,2GHz@3,2GHz 1,352V real (Scythe Ninja Plus+ Noctua NF-P12-1300) MB:Asus P5K,bios ver 1005 RAM: Corsair 2x2GB Twin2X C5DHX 960MHz CL5-5-5-15 2T, 2,1V VGA:GIGABYTE 8800GT 512MB 700/1700/1840 @ 756/1780/2052 MHz HDD:Seagate SATA II 320GB DVD-ROM:Plextor PX750A LCD Monitor:LG L226WTQ-PF 22" Black Zdroj:Corsair 520W HXEU Case: Rebel 9 Economy + 2xNoctua NF-S12-800 Gamepad: Logitech cordless Rumblepad 2 || 92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature ||
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Dátum registrácie: Po 23. Máj, 2005, 20:00
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Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa izopd »

no PC verziu som ešte nemal čas odskúšať,ale asi vás trochu xboxe drtím streeta už asi 2mesiace ak viac.mám nahraté tak cca 100hodín a môžem vám povedať že pokial sa chystáte hrať túto hru cez net tak vám želám veľa klávesnici absolútne nehratelné,na xbox krížiku to je za trest.už som 2 xbox joypady madcat joypade presne ten model z limitovanej edície sa to už dá,ale v kritických situáciách sa naň tiež nedá 100% spolahnúť.asi budete sklamaný keď budete bojovať v challenge móde poctivo a potom zistíte že sa to dá prejsť zo zangifom so stláčaním jedného gombíku(aj celý hard,time attack aj survival).potom bude gól keď zistíte že taktika vyčkávač je absolútne neporazitelná a čerešnička na torte bude keď natrafíte na hlupáka ktorý sa zohne pred vami a bude vám dávať dole+najsilnejšia pesť ktorá sa nedá vo výskoku vykriť.potom z velkým sklamaním už budete hrávať buď len s kámošmi,alebo vám želám dobré tam celkom slušná kopa nedomyslených detailov,ale ináč je to výborný zástupca street fighter 3 ktorý má čo ponúknuť.ak si myslíte že proti CPU ste moc dobrý pustite si multiplayer.dúfam že som nehodil moc negatíva na túto hru,ale ako street fighter fanatikovi mi to nedalo.
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium,A64 X2 4400+ ,Thermaltake Big Typhon,Saphire radeon HD2900,,4GBYTE TwinX XMS Corsair 2-3-3-6 400Mhz,Creative X-Fi XtremeGamer FATAL1TY+Creative GigaWorks S750,Enermax Liberty 400W,2*WD3200YS SATA II,FDD,LG GSA-H20L,Logitech MX1000,CRT Philips Brilliance 107P5
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Dátum registrácie: Št 09. Apr, 2009, 11:56
Bydlisko: Nitra

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa Srnec »

tak ja som to dnes nainstaloval a skusal...
no vidiet ze to je primarne vytvarane na konzolu menu a vsetko okolo toho...
hned prva vec ktora ma nastvala je ze uz aj tu sa windows live vtiera a chce aby ste sa zaregistrovali a neviem co este co vsetko.
a inak som viac ocakaval od tejto hry, je este skoro tvrdit a mat nejaky zaver... ale nieje to to co som cakal...
graficky to je celkom fajnovo spracovane
ale este sa s tym pohram a uvidim ;)
CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q8300 @3,075GHz CPU Cooling: Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro GPU: Gigabyte GTX260OC 896MB MB: Gigabyte EP45-DS3L RAM: Kingston 2x2GB kit 1066MHz HyperX @1093MHz 5-5-5-15, 2,1V PSU: Fortron FSP500-60GLN 80PLUS 500W HDD: Samsung 320GB, Maxtor 160GB FAN front: Airen Red Wings 120 Clever CASE: Cooler Master Elite330 (Black)+FAN back REPRO: Creative T3100 (2.1) TABLET: Trust TB-7300 LCD: 22" Samsung T220 OS: Windows 7 64bit
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Príspevky: 1915
Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Stará Turá

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa MichiGen »

Srnec napísal:...
To ze je tam i ked kontroverzny Windows Live je jedine +, funguje cez neho online multiplayer, je tam tiez ako som si vsimol polozka pre kupu neskorsich DLC.

Co podla teba znamena konzolove menu? :hmmm: ja na nom nevidim nic zvlastne.
Nastavenia detailov, grafickych filtrov, rozliseni, ci ma byt fps fixovane alebo bez obmedzenia, herny benchmark a navyse sa bude tato hra predavat aj vo verzii s gamepadom + perfektna optimalizacia.

Podla mna to nemohlo na PC dopadnut lepsie, neviem co viac by niekto chcel to uz je len naozaj o tom ci ti tento styl bojovky sadne alebo nie, je rozdiel hrat Tekken a zasa nejaku SF bojovku.
CPU: C2D E4500 2,2GHz@3,2GHz 1,352V real (Scythe Ninja Plus+ Noctua NF-P12-1300) MB:Asus P5K,bios ver 1005 RAM: Corsair 2x2GB Twin2X C5DHX 960MHz CL5-5-5-15 2T, 2,1V VGA:GIGABYTE 8800GT 512MB 700/1700/1840 @ 756/1780/2052 MHz HDD:Seagate SATA II 320GB DVD-ROM:Plextor PX750A LCD Monitor:LG L226WTQ-PF 22" Black Zdroj:Corsair 520W HXEU Case: Rebel 9 Economy + 2xNoctua NF-S12-800 Gamepad: Logitech cordless Rumblepad 2 || 92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature ||
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Príspevky: 145
Dátum registrácie: Št 09. Apr, 2009, 11:56
Bydlisko: Nitra

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa Srnec »

tak uz len ten prvy dojem ked som to spustil a ono sa to v okne otvorilo... som sa lakol ze co to, ale tak som to vpohode zmenil v nastaveniach na fullscreen...
ale tak proste som cakal trocha ine, toť vše.
a na takych aplikaciach ako windows live ma len to stve ze sa to instaluje bez opytania, proste to musis mat, tak isto ako pri GTA4 social club... chapem ze cez sa lahko pripojim a podobne... ale aby som sa furt cez to prihlasoval to nie
CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q8300 @3,075GHz CPU Cooling: Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro GPU: Gigabyte GTX260OC 896MB MB: Gigabyte EP45-DS3L RAM: Kingston 2x2GB kit 1066MHz HyperX @1093MHz 5-5-5-15, 2,1V PSU: Fortron FSP500-60GLN 80PLUS 500W HDD: Samsung 320GB, Maxtor 160GB FAN front: Airen Red Wings 120 Clever CASE: Cooler Master Elite330 (Black)+FAN back REPRO: Creative T3100 (2.1) TABLET: Trust TB-7300 LCD: 22" Samsung T220 OS: Windows 7 64bit
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 1915
Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Stará Turá

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa MichiGen »

Nie vsetky hry podporuju spustanie v okne, mozno tym chceli autori upozornit ze to hrat v okne ako nejaku flashovku nie je problem tak to nastavili ako default.

Podla mna nariekanie nad tym ze sa instaluje s hrou Windows Live je uz celkom bezpredmetne, kedze ho pouziva uz take mnozstvo hier ze ho bez tak uz kazdy v PC nainstalovany ma.
CPU: C2D E4500 2,2GHz@3,2GHz 1,352V real (Scythe Ninja Plus+ Noctua NF-P12-1300) MB:Asus P5K,bios ver 1005 RAM: Corsair 2x2GB Twin2X C5DHX 960MHz CL5-5-5-15 2T, 2,1V VGA:GIGABYTE 8800GT 512MB 700/1700/1840 @ 756/1780/2052 MHz HDD:Seagate SATA II 320GB DVD-ROM:Plextor PX750A LCD Monitor:LG L226WTQ-PF 22" Black Zdroj:Corsair 520W HXEU Case: Rebel 9 Economy + 2xNoctua NF-S12-800 Gamepad: Logitech cordless Rumblepad 2 || 92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature ||
Používateľov profilový obrázok
Príspevky: 1915
Dátum registrácie: Št 19. Okt, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Stará Turá

Re: Street Fighter 4

Príspevok od používateľa MichiGen »

Christian Svensson o portovani CAPCOMackych hier.
Christian Svensson napísal:Everything is relative... porting in general is as much art as science, depending upon what you're porting from and porting to.

Using SFIV as an example, we've moved from code that had two systems with fixed/known components. On a 360/PS3, we know what GPUs they have. We know exactly how much RAM they have. We know exactly what OS limitations and capabilities are. They don't change from my house, to your house, to your cousin's house.

Porting to a PC in an optimized fashion, has a slew of complexity. We have no idea what OS version your running (XP? Vista? Win 7? With service packs?). What GPU you have. What CPU you have. What motherboard you have. How much RAM you have... hell, we don't even know what driver versions you're likely to have running. So we need to optimize the game to run on countless permutations and setups which is a hell of a lot of work. And on top of that, we added features to take advantage of the fact that some people have PCs that are more powerful than 360s and PS3s. So we added parameters for new rendering shaders (ink, etc.) support for higher resolutions, higher forms of MSAA, AA, self-shadowing, higher quality shadows, etc.

PC users like to tweak things and use a wide array of input devices, so we had to allow for key binding as well as supporting our "preferred controllers" such as SFIV sticks and pads out of the box. For PS3/360, we don't even have to think about those issues.

That's just one example... all of that takes a lot of work and testing. You guys know when we shipped SFIV on the consoles. The PC version was concurrently in development during most of SFIV's cycle... it did take us an additional six months of dedicated PC development on top of that to turn out a finished product.

Could we have done it faster/cheaper or cut more corners? Probably. But that's not going to please fans.

MvC2 is another example, though it's a bit different in terms of how the code is run...

Suffice to say, we're taking what was Naomi/Dreamcast code that has been output in a way that 360 and PS3 can interpret it and making a whole lot of changes to it on the fly.

We have to add a new front end to account for all of the TRCs/TCRs that MS and Sony have with regard to interface standardization and features like trophies/achievements. We have to include new settings and options and online menu support. We had to plug in matching and lobby systems that never existed and that work with PSN and XBL. We had to optimize net code for a game that was never meant to support it (and that is VERY fast paced which makes it that much more difficult).

At the same time, we're doing real-time sprite filtering of everything on screen. Rendering all of the 3D assets in resolutions far higher than they were intended and implimenting widescreen support (again, something the original code was never meant to do).

All of these rendering changes never come out the other side "perfectly" the first time so there's a ton of tweaking that has had to be done to get everything looking just right. At some point, maybe we'll show some of the early artifacts that we had early in development before those optimizations took place. Could be eye opening for some of you. :)

We had to fix a few bugs that existed in the original version of the game too.

Suffice to say, the only thing easy about porting is that you know what should be coming out the other side when you're done. In that regard, there's fewer unknowns than with new development. The challenge is, the fans ALSO know what's supposed to be coming out the other side... and if we don't get it right, we certainly hear about it. With new development, those sorts of comparisons don't exist. You can fail in entirely different ways with new development, but with ports, there's no hiding anything.

I could talk about Okami too... which had a whole slew of technical challenges... but I'll save that for another day.
CPU: C2D E4500 2,2GHz@3,2GHz 1,352V real (Scythe Ninja Plus+ Noctua NF-P12-1300) MB:Asus P5K,bios ver 1005 RAM: Corsair 2x2GB Twin2X C5DHX 960MHz CL5-5-5-15 2T, 2,1V VGA:GIGABYTE 8800GT 512MB 700/1700/1840 @ 756/1780/2052 MHz HDD:Seagate SATA II 320GB DVD-ROM:Plextor PX750A LCD Monitor:LG L226WTQ-PF 22" Black Zdroj:Corsair 520W HXEU Case: Rebel 9 Economy + 2xNoctua NF-S12-800 Gamepad: Logitech cordless Rumblepad 2 || 92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature ||

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