nedavaj klamlive informacie..
Just so all the fans know, we will send information about redeeming for your beta key via facebook fan messaging tomorrow.
inac ..vypichujem zopar veci z posledneho patchu, ktore sa mi zapacili:
Voting System:
- Voting system implemented, with three vote types:
* Remake - remakes the game, returning everyone to the game lobby. Requires 100% of connected players' approval to pass. Only available during the first 5 minutes of a match.
* Concede - concedes the match, allowing the game to progress without tracking stats (allowing players to leave if they choose). To pass, concede vote requires 100% of the conceding team to vote yes. The non-conceding team will spawn fully upgraded creeps.
* Kick - votes to kick a particular player
A. Kick vote won't work if there are less than 4 players in the match
B. If there are 4 players in the match, it requires 3 of them to vote yes to pass
C. If there are more than 4, it requires the total number of players minus 2 to vote yes to pass
- After a player starts a vote, they cannot start another vote for 1 minute
Leaver rules and AFK Detection:
- To be considered a non-chronic leaver, your leave percentage must be under 10% if you have over 100 games played.
* For less than 100 games played, the number of allowed leaves varies for how many matches you have played. See tool tip on the main login screen for more information.
- If one team is down by more than 2 players, the players left on that team may leave the match without gaining a leaver mark on their stats
- If a player stays within their base for 4 minutes without engaging in combat (attacking, taking damage, or gaining experience) they will be kicked (and terminated) for idling
- Disconnect dialogue in game now gives a clearer indication as to how it will affect your status as a leaver