* New: now all options are available in benchmarking mode: Xtrem Burning (XB), postfx (FX) and displacement mapping (DM).
* New: added new effet (displacement mapping) on the fur rendering.
* New: GUI translation is done with XML files in the localization folder.
* New: added hotkeys: P to enable/disable post fx rendering, T to enable/disable temperature graphs rendering.
* New: gpu temperature is now exported in xml and csv formats.
* New: twitter submission displays a login dialog box to tweet your score.
* Change: the fur rendering workload has been increased to produce more heat.
* Change: improved temperature graphs readability.
* Change: updated with the latest version of ZoomGPU for graphics hardware detection.
Už som to skúšal, ale nedostal som sa cez 73°C. So starým Furmarkom som tiež skončil pri tej istej teplote.
Vždy stability test, raz Post FX, raz Xtreme Burning mode...atd. Proste všetky možnosti. Ale páči sa mi animácia
"Mind always fails first". "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crises." "Tvrdiť, že vám nezáleží na práve na súkromie, lebo nemáte čo skrývať...je to isté...ako keď poviete, že vám nezáleží na slobode prejavu, lebo nemáte čo povedať."
"Mind always fails first". "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crises." "Tvrdiť, že vám nezáleží na práve na súkromie, lebo nemáte čo skrývať...je to isté...ako keď poviete, že vám nezáleží na slobode prejavu, lebo nemáte čo povedať."
hej, ale pred odstranenim prachu to bolo cez 100 aj v COD 4 vo Furmarku (tom starsom) 104 ale teraz to uz je dobre, ale kupodivu ani neni moc hlucna len ked ide nad 100 tak sa prudko zvysia otacky ale to sa uz nedeje, ked hram tak cez zvuk hry ju nepocujem
Maintenance release.
Improved score submission.
Updated the number of window resolutions available.
Change: updated with the latest version of ZoomGPU (support of recent NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards).
Bugfix: spikes in temperature graphs are now filtered. See here for more information: FurMark and Spikes in Temperature Monitoring Graphs.
Change: minimizing window is no longer possible in windowed benchmark mode.
Removed the FurMark 1.7.0 mode.