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Príspevky: 15
Dátum registrácie: Št 09. Dec, 2010, 12:03
Bydlisko: handlova


Príspevok od používateľa PRDO86 »

Hodlam webkameru MSI StarCam Clip 2 napichnut na notebook Acer travelmate 5542 s Windows 7, na 10 m USB kabel, a tak sa pytam aby som zbytocne nevyhadzoval peniaze ci sa mi nebude stracat signal takym dlhym kablom a ci to utiahne napatie USB?? a ci mam pouzit popripade feritove jadra.???
CPU: Intel E4500 2,2GHZ@2,65GHz Motherboard: MSI 975X Platinum PowerUp Edition RAM: 2x DDR2-800 Kingston VGA: nVidia 7300LE HDD: 1TB WD PSU Fortron 500W Blue Storm ll
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Sponzor fóra gold
Sponzor fóra gold
Príspevky: 2237
Dátum registrácie: Ut 21. Mar, 2006, 02:00
Bydlisko: Beckov

Re: Webkamera

Príspevok od používateľa _Mato_ »

Osobne tipujem, ze to nebude fungovat. Pouzitie feritovych jadier ti nepomoze, skor budes potrebovat usb hub s externym napajanim a 2 kusy 5m usb kablov.
Q1: How long of a cable can I use to connect my device?
A1: In practice, the USB specification limits the length of a cable between full speed devices to 5 meters (a little under 16 feet 5 inches). For a low speed device the limit is 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches).

Q2: Why can't I use a cable longer than 3 or 5m?
A2: USB's electrical design doesn't allow it. When USB was designed, a decision was made to handle the propagation of electromagnetic fields on USB data lines in a way that limited the maximum length of a USB cable to something in the range of 4m. This method has a number of advantages and, since USB is intended for a desktop environment, the range limitations were deemed acceptable. If you're familiar with transmission line theory and want more detail on this topic, take a look at the USB signals section of the developers FAQ.
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