LEDka neblika a ani nesvieti, takze bios by mal byt OK.
Dual BIOS LED (P67A-GD65)
The Dual BIOS LED indicates the BIOS status during system power on. Follow the
instructions below to read.
Off: Normal.
Blink (1 cycle/second): The primary BIOS is failed.
Fast Blink (10 cycles/second): The second BIOS is failed.
Solid: Both of primary and second BIOS are failed.
Inak presne toto mi robilo ked som dokupil druhy kit ramiek a osadil vsetky sloty. Vtedy som to vyriesil tak, ze som tam nechal pichnuty iba jeden kit, resetol CMOS, chvilu pockal a bootlo mi to do winu. Potom som stiahol najnovsi bios, flashol ho na dosku, vlozil druhy kit, resetol opat CMOS, chvilku pockal a nastartovalo mi to v pohode. Od vtedy som kity nevytahoval, az teraz
Zistujem, ze zrejme neviem nejakym sposobom resetnut CMOS, pretoze podla tohoto navodu:
* Old CMOS clearing method *
Step 1:
Disconnect the main AC power by either shutting off the power button on the back of your power supply or simply pulling out the power cable.
Wait a minute to be sure all the capacitors and coils have discharged.
To be really safe you can press the power button which will drain the capacitors for sure.
Move the CMOS jumper to the clear position, this is usually done on MSI boards by moving JBAT1 from it's original 1-2 position to 2-3 position as demonstrated in the photo below.
If you are not sure or have a non MSI board you must find the correct jumper in your motherboard manual.
*Note to all nForce2 users, your board usually has a special "safe mode" jumper for the FSB. You should also set it to the safe setting in case you have been overclocking since the normal clear CMOS jumper will not reset the frequency settings on these boards. You may refer to your user manual.
Wait a minute to be sure the CMOS has been cleared.
Step 5:
Return the CMOS jumper to it's original position.
Restore power to the system.
* New CMOS clearing method *
Step 1:
Disconnect the main AC power by either shutting off the power button on the back of your power supply or simply pulling out the power cable.
Wait a minute to be sure all the capacitors and coils have discharged.
To be really safe you can press the power button which will drain the capacitors for sure.
Press the clear CMOS button on the back of the I/O panel.
Wait a minute to be sure the CMOS has been cleared.
Note: It is also recommended to remove CMOS battery to ensure 100% CMOS clear on Big Bang X & Intel 6x Sandy Bridge MB's. If date/time do not revert to original time of MB manufacture then you didn't get a complete clear CMOS.
Restore power to the system.
to musi ist a doska by mala nabehnut aj s jednou RAMkou v DIMM1. No kua nejde