Potrebujem pomoc
- Mi_t_is
- Používateľ
- Príspevky: 412
- Dátum registrácie: Ut 17. Júl, 2007, 08:00
- Bydlisko: Žilina - okolie
Potrebujem pomoc
Mam taky problem ked zapinam pc a pise mi na obrazovke ze checking nvram nic sa nedejde asi 20sekund a potom sa sam restartuje comp a uz sa mi zapne PC.Ked ho zapnem a otvori sa mi ICQ a mam tam spravu a este si naraz pustim do toho hudbu a otvorim firefox tak mi restartne comp a zastavi na tej ciernej orabzovke bielymi pismenami a nepohne sa dalej. Ked ho chcem zasa zapnut tak musim restart.Neviem cim to moze byt preto to davam do tejto diskusie,Nevedel som to zaradit.Pls pomozte.Dik
v prvom rade si uprav Predmet ....
Desktop:|Intel E5200 2.5@3.5 Ghz 1,31V|Noctua nh-u9b|Asus P5Q pro|
|Asus EAH4850 625@680 Mhz| A-data 2x2gb gamers edition 800@932 Mhz|
|WD 6400AAKS|Cooler Master M520w|Thermaltake M9|
Laptop:|Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo pi1536|
"92% of teens have moved onto rap.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this into your signature"
|Asus EAH4850 625@680 Mhz| A-data 2x2gb gamers edition 800@932 Mhz|
|WD 6400AAKS|Cooler Master M520w|Thermaltake M9|
Laptop:|Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo pi1536|
"92% of teens have moved onto rap.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this into your signature"
v tretom neviem preco si to hodil k Procesorom .. :roll:
Desktop:|Intel E5200 2.5@3.5 Ghz 1,31V|Noctua nh-u9b|Asus P5Q pro|
|Asus EAH4850 625@680 Mhz| A-data 2x2gb gamers edition 800@932 Mhz|
|WD 6400AAKS|Cooler Master M520w|Thermaltake M9|
Laptop:|Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo pi1536|
"92% of teens have moved onto rap.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this into your signature"
|Asus EAH4850 625@680 Mhz| A-data 2x2gb gamers edition 800@932 Mhz|
|WD 6400AAKS|Cooler Master M520w|Thermaltake M9|
Laptop:|Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo pi1536|
"92% of teens have moved onto rap.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this into your signature"