neviete o nejakom V-mode ktory by bol complet v slov. alebo cz?
na strankach extremesystem je toho dost ale radsej by som mal nieco comu by som dokonale rozumel a bol si isty ze to robim spravne.
ak nepredam grafu tak kupit AC S1 rev.2 a ktomu volt-mod a je to
aspon tych 800mhz na GPU by stacilo.
PS:buD sa prepali bios alebo pajkovat grafu
na prepalenie biosu som nasiel tento postup ale v eng
Guys if any of you have done the BIOS volt mod please post what clocks you were able to get after the mod.
1) Created a bootable floppy using this, just run in windows with floppy in drive: Bootable Floppy Maker or the main site
2) Download and run this, .nvFlash 5.57 from here mvtech page for nvFlash 5.57, it unzips to two files. Run the nvFlash.v5.57.exe file and it unzips again. Drag files (cwsdpmi.exe, nvflash.exe) from the last unzip directory onto floppy
3) Reboot PC with floppy in drive, set floppy as first boot device in BIOS. The A:\ prompt shows up.
You will type: "nvflash --save orig.rom" (that's a double dash, and the file name orig.rom is your original video bios being saved)
4) Eject the floppy and reboot into windows. Re-insert floppy and copy orig.rom to somewhere you can find it later.
5) Download and install NiBiTor 3.6 from here mvtech NiBiTor 3.6 page
6) Run NiBiTor, got to menu File>Open BIOS and select your orig.rom. Navigate to the 'Voltages' tab, then 'Exact Mode' tab. In the drop-down for 'Extra' select 1.1V.
7) Got to menu File>Save BIOS and create a new name like voltmod.rom. Exit NiBiTor and copy your voltmod.rom to the floppy.
8) Reboot PC with floppy inserted and you're back to A:\. Type "nvflash voltmod.rom" . It will ask you if you're sure, so make up your mind and type Y if you are sure. When it's done eject the floppy and reboot.
9) Retry overclocking beyond your previous limit.
V-mod 8800GT 512Mb
V-mod 8800GT 512Mb
Cpu: i7-2600K OC 4.7Ghz , Cooler: Scythe SCMG-5PCGH Mugen 5 , Mainboard: Gigabyte Z68X UD4 B3 , Ram: Kingston 4x4GB 1333Mhz , Gpu: RTX EVGA 2060 Super 8Gb , SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB , HDD: 2x500GB Western Digital green power , Zdroj: SeaSonic FOCUS 750w , Monitor: Zatiaľ HP 22" w2207h
U tak drahej karty by som pajkovanie moc nedoporucoval. Elegantne by to bolo cez upravu biosu. Na "sucho" som si to vyskusal stiahnutim Nibitoru a Biosu Asus 8800GT. Zmenit to islo akurat tam nie je vysvietena moznost Extended labeling ani extend voltage table, tak silne pochybujem, ze to po flashnuti na karte skutocne zmeni napatie jadra.