Aký Wifi Router pre Multicast (IGMP) Antik cez VLC Player

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Dátum registrácie: Ut 03. Mar, 2009, 17:47

Aký Wifi Router pre Multicast (IGMP) Antik cez VLC Player

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Skúšal som už asi 20 routerov ale ani na jednom aj keď papierovo podporovali multicast nebežal multicast cez wifi.
Viem že routre podporujú rôzne verzie IGMP v1, v2 and v3. Ale neviem ktoré podporuje antik.

IGMP v1, v2 and v3. http://www.javvin.com/protocolIGMP.html

* IGMPv1: Hosts can join multicast groups. There were no leave messages. Routers were using a time-out based mechanism to discover the groups that are of no interest to the members.
* IGMPv2: Leave messages were added to the protocol. Allow group membership termination to be quickly reported to the routing protocol, which is important for high-bandwidth multicast groups and/or subnets with highly volatile group membership.
* IGMPv3: Major revision of the protocol. It allows hosts to specify the list of hosts from which they want to receive traffic from. Traffic from other hosts is blocked inside the network. It also allows hosts to block inside the network packets that come from sources that sent unwanted traffic.

The variant protocols of IGMP are:

* DVMRP: Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol.
* IGAP: IGMP for user Authentication Protocol.
* RGMP: Router-port Group Management Protocol.

Prosím o radu a skúsenosti s VLC, multicastom, routrom ktorý vlastníte.

PS najdrahší Router ktorý som tesoval a zaručene by mal podporovať multicast je ZYXEL NBG-460N. Ale cez antik sklamal aj ten.

PS1 Dostal som jednu radu ale nemám to odskúšané že je potrebné zapnúť DMZ a potom nastaviť napevno IP pre wifi sieť dajme tomu notebooku a DMZ nastaviť pre danú IP.


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