Intel - novinky o Nehalem, Larrabee a DunningtonPodľa týchto informácií má byť Larrabee predstavený v druhej polovici roku 2009 na IDF v meste San Francisco. Najprv má byť potrebným hardvérom zásobovaný segment serverov. Až o šesť mesiacov neskôr majú mať aj "obyčajní" zákazníci možnosť zakúpiť si grafické karty "made by Intel". Čo sa týka špecifikácií, tak sa Intel tradične zdržiava konkrétnych údajov. U TGDaily sa ale špekuluje, že Larrabee bude obsahovať až 24 jadier. Spojenie s GDDR 5 pamäťou má zabezpečovať 1024bit široká zbernica. Ako sa majú tieto špekulácie interpretovať nie je jasné, keďže sme 1024bit širokú internú zbernicu zaznamenali už s čipom R600 a 24 jadrový (10 clusterov * 24 SPs) čip bude aj high-end G200 od nVidie s očakávaným predstavením - 18. júna 2008.
Larrabee's Rasterisation Focus ConfirmedPoslednou a zrejme najzaujímavejšou novinkou má byť produkt ktorý zabezpečí vstup Intel-u na trh s ne-integrovanými grafickými kartami - Larrabee.
Larrabee bude kombináciou viacerých x86 jadier s celkom novou architektúrou a taktiež VPU (vector processing unit). Gelsinger upresnil, že táto programovateľná architektúra umožní urýchľovať takmer všetko od HD videa a audia, fyziky, umelej inteligencie, ray tracing po global illumination. Larrabee má byť plne kompatibilné s DirectX a OpenGL, existujúce hry bude možné spustiť ihneď, nebude treba čakať na výrobcov hier pre odladenie na túto architektúru.
Prvé funkčné demá tejto architektúry môžme očakávať ku koncu roka, pričom reálne uvedenie produktov na nej založených sa zrejme objavia v priebehu rokov 2009 a 2010.
Larrabee: Samples in Late 08, Products in 2H09/1H10I've been trying to keep quiet, but I need to get one thing very clear. Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation, not through raytracing.
I'm not sure how the message got so muddled. I think in our quest to just keep our heads down and get on with it, we've possibly been a bit too quiet. So some comments about exciting new rendering tech got misinterpreted as our one and only plan. [...] That has been the goal for the Larrabee team from day one, and it continues to be the primary focus of the hardware and software teams. [...]
There's no doubt Larrabee is going to be the world's most awesome raytracer. It's going to be the world's most awesome chip at a lot of heavy computing tasks - that's the joy of total programmability combined with serious number-crunching power. But that is cool stuff for those that want to play with wacky tech. We're not assuming everybody in the world will do this, we're not forcing anyone to do so, and we certainly can't just do it behind their backs and expect things to work - that would be absurd.
Computex 2007: Intel planning to enter discrete graphics card market in 2008When Doug Freedman asked Paul Otellini about Larrabee during yesterday's conference call, we didn't think much would come out of it. But boy were we wrong: Otellini gave an incredibly to-the-point update on the project's timeframe. So rather than try to summarize, we'll just quote what Otellini had to say here.
- Larrabee first silicon should be late this year in terms of samples and we’ll start playing with it and sampling it to developers and I still think we are on track for a product in late ’09, 2010 timeframe.
a ešte aj rýchlejšia ako konkurencia ?Sources from multiple graphics card vendors have confirmed that Intel has approached them to lay down plans to enter the discrete graphics card market for desktop PCs. The new products from Intel would be positioned as direct competitors to AMD's ATI Radeon and Nvidia's GeForce series of cards.
At this stage all plans are still rather vague, according to the sources, with Intel scheduled to deliver a more complete roadmap and specifications in the fourth quarter of this year. However, according to most of the sources, Intel will aim for the mid-range market in the initial stages with pricing targeted around US$300. In the current market, graphics cards at the high-end are priced at around US$800.
Ďalšie informácie k Larrabee:
Technické údaje ?
1,7-2,5GHz pracovná frekvencia
dátum vydania: 2.Q 2009
počet jadier: 16-24
cache: 32KB L1, 256KB L2
1024bit RingBus
GDDR5 pamäte
> 200 GB/s priepustnosť
> 1TFLOPs/s aritmetický výkon
Roadmap ?
Larrabee to be made in Intel’s FABs
Larrabee to capture 20+ percent discrete in 2008
Larrablee, Intel's discrete graphic is challenging
Besätigung? @ IDF Fall 2007