Nejdu mi pomocou VLCcka ziadne streamove Televizie. DAkedy mi sli, no stale mi po novej instalalcii pise : "Video is loading" a je stale cierna obrazovka. NO robi mi to na oboch pocitacoch. Na tom druhom to zacalo z nicoho nic Kvoli tomu som reinstalovaval ...
Docital som sa na nete, ze neisom sam:
vid: klik
Mam codec all in one VLCcko mam najnovsie. Stiahnute mam vsetky updaty do XPcka. PReinstloval som AJ firefox, AJ VLCcko, no nic.
Uz som uplne bezradny.ANi v IE a ani vo Firefoxe mi nejdu taketo veci. Ani cez antik mi nejde sledovanie ich televizie, sledovanie kamier v meste no a ani radia. PRi poslednych dvoch menovanych, mi vyhadzuje error s IPckou. Kamosovi na ntbku, co sa mi pripojil na net, slape vsetko ako ma. CIze CHYBA je u mna.
Tu je stranka s demom:
Na cokolvek stlacim, vidim toto: ... ca167a86fa
Robil som aj to, co pisali na tom fore:
a aj:Just copied these two files from VLC's (v0.9.4) folder to both "C:\Windows\System32" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins" folders. Still look at "Video is loading..." message (and yes, I didn't forget to restart the browser)
viac tu: klikThere's a way to avoid having to pollute the windows\system32 folder and still make the vlc 0.9.4 browser plugin work with Chrome and Firefox/Seamonkey (so it probably works with other browsers too):
Just add the Videolan folder path to the Path system variable
As a quick remainder how to do that: Right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties", on the "Advanced tab" select "Environment variables" then in "system variables" look for "Path" double click on it then at the end of whatever is on the "variable value" field add ;c:\program files\videolan\vlc (or whatever path you installed videolan into, the ; before the path is necessary to separate it from the previous path).
MATE niekto ine napady???